Chapter 3

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"Absoloutley no" I say. I met with Lil Mac to talk about her plan. She seems really excited about it.
"You dont understand, this would help all of our problems, even Jojo is up for it!" her blonde hair moves as she speaks. We are almost the same hight, which is funny since im Lorax and shes human.
"I dont care, I cant stand that girl!"
"Well, Its not always about what you think. We have to do this or you are screwed for the rest of your life! Do you wanna go back to living in the woods I found you in?!?" she almost yells this time. I remember how lost, poor and hungry I felt in the woods. But the trees always made the time fly by faster. I was siting on a broken tree, remembering how tall it stood and how quickly thing change, when a girl walked up to me. She was staring at me, curious. Her eyes full of wonder.
"Did you act in "The Lorax" movie?" she asked. And I laughed.
"I did, yes"
"Are you bored in these woods?" I nodeed and she took me with her. Gave me a home, food and love. When I grew up a little and she was alrasdy an adult, we decided I could try singing again. Like before. And I did. We blew up. Our song was top one for years. Untill now.
"We are doing this, there is no choice" Mac says. "Im gonna call her producer and we will see when is the best time to meet." she looks at me waiting for an answer. I dont give her one. I dont have one. Jojo ruined my career and now I have to collabe with her. No way. Im not gonna give her more fame then she has now. She dosent deserve it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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