Chapter 14 - Crush

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"Hi. . ." Mike spoke nervously, El frowning as she heard Mike's tone.

"Is everything okay? You- You sound nervous?" She frowned, becoming slightly nervous herself.

"Um, I need to talk to you. . . Can you come over?" Mike asked.

"Yeah, of course. I will be round in five minutes, okay?" El told him.

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll- I'll see you then." Mike murmured, quickly hanging up the phone and turning back to Lucas and Dustin.

"I can't. I feel so bad!" He frowned, the guilt getting even worse.

"Mike, it's okay. Me and Dustin will come back in like, fifteen minutes to see how everything has gone, okay?" Lucas sighed.

". . .Okay." Mike sighed.

Lucas and Dustin said a quick goodbye before leaving Mike's dorm, Mike beginning to pace around his room nervously.

"What if she gets really upset and tries to like, kill me or something?" Mike panicked as he began talking to himself, "Oh my god, what the fuck am I saying. . . She's not gonna kill me?" Mike scowled.

He heard the door bell ring, Mike freezing and letting out a small sigh. He went out to answer the door and saw Will already stood there talking to El. He looked over and saw Mike stood there, having a feeling he knew what was about to happen.

"I'll let you go now. I'll see you later." Will smiled, leaving and going back to his room.

"Uh. . . We should- We should go to my room." Mike stammered, giving El a small nervous smile.

El nodded and shut the front door, quickly following Mike over to his room and sitting down on the bed.

"Mike, what's wrong? You're freaking me out!" El frowned, sounding even more worried then Mike was.

"I need to tell you something. . . about us." Mike murmured.

"Oh. . ?" El frowned, not sure whether this could be a good or bad thing.

"I don't-. . . I don't think that we should continue to go out and stuff." Mike spoke quietly.

El looked up at him, a small frown forming on her face. She let out a soft sigh and nodded her head, realizing that there was no point in trying to get him to change his mind.

"That's okay." She nodded, a small smile on her face even though she sounded upset.

"Is it- Is there someone else?" She asked him, "I won't be upset if there is. . . I just want to know." She told him.

"You will be upset. You would- I can't tell you. It's awful." Mike shook his head.

"Awful? What are you talking about? Is it someone I know?" El asked, Mike just staying silent, El realizing she was right.

"Is it Max?" She asked, Mike shaking his head.

She paused for a moment, not sure who else it could be before looking up at Mike's terrified face. Something clicked in her head as she remembered the sort of short smile that appeared on Mike's face when he saw Will earlier.

"Is it Will?" She asked him, Mike just looking away from her as tears formed in his eyes.

"Oh, Mike, it's okay, please don't cry. . ." She frowned, now wanting him to be upset.

"I'm sorry." Mike spoke quietly.

"It's okay, I'm not mad. Come here." She spoke softly, gently bringing him into a hug.

"Anybody else know?" She asked, Mike letting out a wobbly sigh.

"You were sort of the last to know. . ." Mike told her.

"What? Who else knows?" She frowned.

Mike let out a small sigh and detached from the hug, looking up at her for a moment before beginning to explain.

"So, I told Lucas and Dustin first because I was scared and I didn't know what to do because it's not really every day you randomly develop a crush on a boy." Mike began, "Then they told me to just go and tell Will since it will make me feel better, so I did, and it went well and then he told me that I needed to make sure that you were okay with us liking each other before anything happens." He told her.

". . .I mean, are you okay with me and Will liking each other?" He asked nervously.

"Of course I am. You can't control who you like. I'm not gonna get mad at you for not liking me." She smiled.

"I'm glad. . . I was worried you might get mad at me or something." Mike smiled slightly back over at her.

"No, I'd never." She chuckled.

Mike went to say something, but as he opened his mouth there was a loud knock at the front door, startling both El and Mike.

"Oh, shit, that'll be Lucas and Dustin. They said they'd be round in fifteen minutes." Mike groaned, "Do you wanna stay? We could invite round Max and all just hang out again." Mike shrugged.

"Yeah, sure, I'll text her now." El smiled, Mike nodding and going to answer the door.


{Word Count: 824}

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