7. Not Allowed To Die

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A/N: I really meant to get this out sooner, but the universe had other plans (I have recently gained a debilitatingly strong celebrity crush and had to consume every piece of media they are in)

Also, this is  SEVEN THOUSAND words because I love y'all that much :)


Sam's voice filtered through Abby's restless dreams, not loud enough and familiar enough to not fully wake her up. She was sleeping on the far side of the bed next to the one Sam had been sleeping in, with Dean in between them, sleeping like a bear as always.

"We've been looking for you everywhere," Sam said, fast and tense. He's on the phone, Abby noted, her mind not fully able to put the pieces together of who Sam was talking to in her drowsy state. "We didn't know where you were, if you were okay."

Dean stirred, grunting as he woke up, and Abby was too gently pulled from her half-asleep state. She felt Dean's hand rubbing against the top of her head where her long hair was surely a mess as she pushed her head into her pillow, just wanting to go back to sleep.

"Well, we're fine. Dad, where are you?" Dad. Dad was who Sam was talking to. That made sense. Dads call their kids. So why was Sam talking so fast and why was Dean sitting up so fast, looking at Sam like that?

"What? Why not?" Sam sounded upset.

"Is that Dad?" Dean asked, sounding a bit like a little kid.

After a pause where Abby pushed herself up with a lot of effort, so she was sitting criss-cross on the bed facing Sam, Sam said, seemingly in response to something Dad was saying, "You're after it, aren't you? The thing that killed Mom."

Abby rubbed her face with her hands, just wanting to go back to bed, but she knew she should stay awake. If she went back to bed, then she might miss something important, and she hated having to play catch up because she was too busy sleeping while Sam and Dean were having important adult conversations.

"A demon?" Sam sounded strange, full of emotion, but Abby didn't know what emotion and that made her uncomfortable. "You know for sure?"

"A demon? What's he saying?" Dean demanded, his voice lower than normal like it always was when he had just woken up.

Dean grabbed a shirt from his duffel bag on his side of the bed and pulled it over his head. Sam's eyes had become shiny, like Abby's did when she was about to cry, at what John was saying now.

Sam swallowed, hard, then said into the phone, "You know where it is?"

A pause.

"Let us help."

A pause.

"Why not?"

"Give me the phone." Dean reached his hand out, motioning for Sam to hand it over.

Sam ignored Dean, and after a moment demanded "Names? What names, Dad? Talk to me, tell me what's going on." From her place sitting on the bed, Abby could only see Dean's back and he was half-blocking her view of Sam, so she scooted forward until she was sitting next to Dean.

Dean's hand was still outstretched, silently asking Sam to hand the phone over as Sam said "No. Alright? No way."

"Give me the phone." Dean's fast and harsh demand made Abby cross her arms over her torso, hugging herself. She hated when Sam and Dean argued and really hated it when it was about Dad. Sam looked angry, really, really angry at whatever Dad was telling him to do.

Dean finally grabbed the phone right out of Sam's hand. "Dad, it's me. Where are you?"

Dean got a look on his face and Abby looked up at him with wide eyes as Dean said "Yes, sir." and swallowed hard.

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