The start

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Kristal added Yul, Riya, Connor, Alec and 10+ others to the group chat.

Kristal changed the group chats name to "Disventure Camp Cast"

Yul: What the fuck is this?

Lake: Hi?

Kristal: Sooo, me, Emily, Trevor, Derek, Oliver, Marcus and uh Nina I guess.. Decided to make a groupchat! Just hang out I guess!

James: oh okay

Silence for 5 minutes....


Jake: oh god

Derek: hey trevor <3

Yul: Oh thats not-

Derek: ?

Yul: nothing.

Trevor: Hi Derek! Hru??

Derek: Im doing good wby

Trevor: Im doing great aswell ;)

Jake: shut the fuck up.

Trevor: why jake? :(

Jake: Ok WE GET IT you two are fucking , trust me none of us give a shit...

Kai: I give a shit.

Jake: oh.

Yul: oh kais here...

Kai: got an issue?

Yul: Actually yes... I dont like your twig ass...

Kai: Awww, well I dont like your closeted ass so I guess we both agree on something!

Yul: First of all homeless man, Im not closeted, im openly straight thank yew very much <3 Secondly wdym "i guess we both agree on something"??? Bitch read before u send I-

Kai: I just know under that big ego of yours you dont actually love you for you, I mean atleast most of the LGTBQ+ community actually love theirselves. I sorta feel bad for you... But nobody likes you, and you dont even try to improve anyway. Thank yeww!

Yul is typing . . .

Trevor: jake do you not like us?

Yul stopped typing .

Yul: trevor stfu for a minute..

Trevor: what why?

Yul: Uhm are you fucking stupid?

James: Can somebody humble yul for me I dont feel like it rn

Jake: yul idk ur unknown ass but you seriously needa stfu 😭

Yul: BYEE okay "unknown" GIRL im a kpop star but okay, yall lucky u even talking to me...

Kristal muted Yul for 10 minutes .

Kristal: Sorry about that guys, typical Yul! L.O.L

Trevor: Anyway jake im sorry if i made u upset during season 1 im sorry

Jake is typing . . .
Jake stopped typing .
Jake went offline .

Trevor: what did i do :(

Derek: dont worry about him hes being a bitch

Tom: uhm why arent you guys in jail?

Trevor: oh hi tom

Tom: Don't avoid the question Trevor, your a horrible man. You deserve to be in jail right now.

Trevor: im sorry :(

Derek: Shut up tom, you fucking dick rider

Tom: ?

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