day 2

151 1 5

Emily: hey guys, sorry i wasnt on yesterday xx I was busy!

Kristal: Hi Em's!

Emily: Hi Kristie baby xoxo

Lake: are you two dating?

Emily: no we are just besties babes xx

Lake: Oh sorry

Emily: its fine girlie pop xx

Yul: Why do you type like that

Emily: like what zest fest? xx

Yul: bitch dont start now...

Emily: start what? Xx

Yul: im tired of yall calling ME gay... Freaks.

Lake: define "freaks"

Aiden: ?? Wdym by freaks

Yul: awww the 2 gayest bitches are mad  xx as expected. And yk what I mean! 🥰❤️

Aiden: Alright bye guys!

Aiden went offline .

Yul: awww hes gonna cry to his boyfriend!

Lake: Shut up

Rosa: Yul what the hell is wrong with you

James: ?? Whats happening??

Maggy: Yul is being a BITCH again. Clearly me punching him wasnt enough. Maybe I should snap him in half.

Yul: girl- Dont make me report you the police you troll-

Kai: I think we should mention this...

Kai: I think we should mention this

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Yul: What? Thats not me?



Kai: Yul

Yul: what?

Kai: did i ever mention how pretty you actually are?

Yul: shut up

Kai: no seriously, your super hot! And those abs.... Makes me get mesmerized when I dare look at them...

Yul: Thanks?....

Kai: Makes me want to push you off a cliff even more

Yul: Ugh.

James: I thought it was getting freaky there for a moment.

Maggy: Uhm Kai

Kai: yes princess?

Maggy: why are you calling other men hot

Kai: oh sweetie its a joke, I would never replace you. Especially if its Yul, seriously I despise him. Your still the prettiest one here darling! <3

Maggy: Mhm, lake did I ever mention how cute you are?

James: oh shit

Lake: Awwh! Thats so sweet maggy! Well since we're on the subject, I'd like to mention how pretty you are!

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