day 4

117 0 2

Emily: Goodmorning everyone! 8How is everyone this sunny day? ☀️💞

Kristal: Good morning! How was your sleep? 💕✨️

Oliver: jajsisosoapwñwppakaksw

Marcus: 🎼🎼🎼🎼👁👁👁👁👁👁💥💥💥💥💥💥🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵🧵🫷🫷🫷🫷🫷🫷🫷❌️❌️❌️❌️❌️❌️❌️👄👄👄👄👄👄👄👀👀👀👀👀👀👀

Emily: What.

Lill: Hello!

Ashley: Howdy Lill! Hru??

Lill: Im great! What about you Ash? :)

Ashley: I am greater than ever! Glad to hear of you Lill, say why dont we habg out sometime next week? I'm mostly free.

Lill: Oh that sounds great Ash, does tuesday sound good?

Ashley: Yup! We can meet at the local bsr at 5pm, sound good?

Lill: Great. I am looking foward to this.

Nick: can I join?

Lill: no

Ashley: no

Nick: 🙁

Will: Uhh may I join please?

Ashley: Of course!

Lill: :) 💕

Nick: what the fuck.

Will: whats wrong

Nick: how come you can go but i cant

Lill: Well.

Ashley: Uhhh

Nick: so...?

Ashley: Just dont worry about it

Lill: yea.

Nick: bruh

Maggy: Hello everyone, I'd like to annouce something.

Kai: What is it?

Nick: Go ahead mate.

Maggy: me and Lake are offically dating!

Nick: good for you!

Lill: how sweet!

Ashley: I am happy for you two.

Kai: its havent even been a week since we broke up.

Maggy: Sorry kai, me and lake have been talking for a while now, plus I told you I am a lesbian now.

Kai: did you ever love me for me, or did you only love me because I defend you.

Maggy: Kai please not here, we already talked about this.

Kai: I feel like I was cheated on Maggy.

Maggy: I'm sorry.

Kai: I dont think I can forgive you right now.

Maggy: I still consider you my best friend kai, I mixed my care and trust for you with love. It was a mistake.

Kai: Right.

Ashley: okay guys, take this to dms. I am sure nobody wants to see this. No offense.

Kai: Okay okay, dms.

Maggy: I dont want to talk

Kai: what?

Maggy: Sorry igtg
Maggy went offline.

Kai: oh uh

Ashley: hey kai, im sorry for how you feel. I hope you guys work it out.

Kai: thank you it means alot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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