Separate Twins (Amrod & Amras)

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Two brothers, twins in fact, inseparable since birth. These twins were identical and born to Fëanor and Nerdanel. The older of the two, now know as Amrod was a bit more adventurous than his twin, now known as Amras. Both however, had a natural streak of mischief. One day, though they were still teenagers by elven standards, they were called upon by their father. Nerdanel begged her husband to let the young boys stay with her. Fëanor however, would not listen. The boys joined their father, leaving their mother behind. As the army of Fëanor departed however, Nerdanel prophesied that one of her family would never step foot on the shores of Middle Earth. It appeared her prophecy would become truth a few days later. As the army of Fëanor battled the Teleri for their ships, Amrod and Amras became separated. One was dueling three Teleri warriors at once while the other was fighting alongside his elder brother Celegorm. Amras heard his brother cry out. He ran across the battle to find his brother with three bodies around him and a sword impaling his torso. I cry of grief could be heard across the battlefield, but no one stopped for it. As the battle finished, the sons of Fëanor began to search for the young twins. It turned out to be Celegorm who found them. The sight he saw would haunt him till the end of his days. Amras was clutching the lifeless body of his twin, weeping in anguish. As the other sons of Fëanor arrived, they saw the horrendous sight. They saw the bloodied sword torn from their brothers body lying on the ground. The eldest brother Maedhros kicked the sword far away, not wanting to see the blood of his brother. It took the second eldest, Maglor, to coax Amras to release his brother. The fourth and fifth brothers, Caranthir and Curufin were tasked with burying Amrod. When they were done, they joined their brothers on the ship. Maglor was still comforting Amras, whispering nothings in his ear. No one could console the poor elfling though, as the bond of twins is often stronger than any other bond. Years passed and as Amras grew, there was a hole in his heart. He was lost and alone even in the company of others. Though he was unaware of it, Amras was fading from the world. The year eventually turned to year three hundred and thirty-eight. Fëanor was dead, along with Celegorm, Caranthir, and Curufin. There were only four surviving members of the house of Fëanor, those being Maedhros, Maglor, Amras, and Curufin's son Celebrimbor, though he wanted nothing to do with the brothers. The three brothers, still determined to carry on their father's mission, followed one of the Silmarils to the Havens of Sirion. There they clashed with the people. Maglor and Maedhros became separated from their youngest brother. Amras had been growing weaker day by day and on the day of battle, it was a sad sight for anyone. The elfling fought with whatever strength he had, still avenging his dead twin. As the battle dragged on, Amras lost his stamina. He ended up searching for Elwing and the Silmaril she harbored. He could see her running across the ground, out towards the western ocean. He ran behind her, wishing to find some form of comfort in retrieving the Silmaril. He never would get close to the Queen however, as he found himself with a blade in the back. Amras could feel the blade enter and retreat several times along his back. The attacker finally stopped, letting the elfling fall to the ground. The poor boy could only let out strangled gasps as he lay dying. As Amras was dying, he could have sworn he saw his brother appear before him. He could have sworn that his brother lifted him from the ground, taking him home. When the battle was done, Maglor and Maedhros began to call out for their youngest brother. They searched for a long while, only to find the corpse of Amras with a dagger in his back. Maglor fell to his knees, weeping and holding his brother close. Maedhros fell to his knees as well, screaming and shouting at the loss of his brother. Hours later, Maglor was still weeping into Amras' body. Maedhros stood, whispering one sentence into his brother's ear.

"They are together again."

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