Chapter 2

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It was the crack of dawn, the light shining through cracks of the curtains that blocked the room from receiving. The day has only started and already the occupant of this room already wants it to end as they laid in their queen sized bed in the center of the room. A knock could be heard with someone calling: "Lady Taiyo, are you awake?" It was a soft feminine voice. "Your father said I could enter if you don't answer." The owner of the voice then entered, it was a female owl Pangeans in a maid uniform, she walked to the blinds to open them, flooding the room with light.

"AH! Mrs. Locke, it's too early, could I sleep in?" The lady in bed, most likely named Taiyo, said as she rose from bed, a Golden Phoenix Pangeans. Despite her seemingly young age, she was a very curvy young woman. "I mean, most of my classes at school were canceled for the day, can I just skip?"

"I'm afraid not, you still have some lessons your mother wants you to do, such as playing the violin, you love it."

"Yeah, it helps me calm down..." Taiyo then gets out of her bed before walking into a large walk-in closet before walking out fully clothed. She then walked to a vanity where she wanted to do her own makeup and trim her feather but the maid just started to help without asking, she wanted to tell them she could do it herself but they probably wouldn't listen.

After getting ready for the day she exited her room, she walked down the hall of a rather large home with an eastern aesthetic to it. She passed two other avians who were also walking down the hall, they bowed their heads as a sign of respect. She then pointed and tilted her head, she didn't like having be respected when she didn't deserve it, he then raised her left wing and sent it back words as an elbowing mosting to his something behind her, or rather someone right in the gut only for her to feel a slight pain as it felt like she hit a wall. "Ow..."

"Oh crap, sorry Lady Taiyo..." Said the voice of a rather tall muscular avian Pangean, a crow Pangean with onyx black feathers wearing a red suit. "But maybe not hit your bodyguard." The crow said in a playful tone.

"Like anything hurts you, Junfuku." Taiyo said, rubbing her elbow. "Have you seen my sister?"

"Hmm, Lady Chi is still resting I believe..." Junfuku then walked with her as she was going down the halls. "So... Do you want to go to the library again later?"

"I would like that, thank you Junfuku--" Taiyo then stopped as they heard an argument.

"Damn those wolves!" She stopped to see a door opened by a crack inside were several avian Pangeans, some sitting at desks doing paperwork. "I swear some of them are getting close to our territory to piss us all off!"

"Calm down kid, they're doing their job and patrolling the Cherryton for thugs who thinks they own the neutral area, as long as they stay out Eleanoria we don't need to start anything. " Another older Avian Pangean announced.

"Still, I bet some of the canines in the city are apart of them--"

"Oh here we go again-- Not every dog is a part of the Silver Pack! We're not going around kicking doors down then removing dogs again, last time was near hell for this city, you maybe young but I remember those mistakes we made." Before they could continue, Junfuku swung the door open, surprising everyone who stood up and bowed their heads to the crow. "Good Morning, Junfuku!"

"Hello everyone, keeping busy?" Junfuku said to them in a playful tone before changing to a serious one with a cold stare in his eyes. "If you're going to talk about work, keep the doors closed so no one over hears, and he is right, not every dog is a Silver Wolf." He then closed the door, turn back to Taiyo who started to got back to walking. "Sorry you heard all that Lady Taiyo, I'll have another word with them, I know you don't like talking about our work... But one day you will have to face it and--"

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