Chapter 3

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Cujo was walking through Cherryton's streets, he was slightly angry as Kai, the one person he had to watch and get home was out of his sight. Luckily after the pocket sand was worse off and washed out of his eyes he used the best sense he had to track down the young wolf, his intimidating looks and ability. Deep down he hated being feared because of his fangs, claws, and power to light things on fire, the last part being something he hates using, but it gets the job done, and asking around makes people speak the truth.

As he walked he saw Wu and Kinto through a glass window in the diner, they only changed their clothes. "How can children be so smart... be so dumb." He said as he walked towards the diner, he just wanted a "chat" with them.

Just down the street, another figure was walking through the streets, Junfuku the Crow. He had a feather in his hand that spun like a compass needle, he was searching for Taiyo, she had to run off, luckily he had a set of skills for tracking, sadly those skills sort of suck in his opinion as he needed to be in a certain range. The feather then stopped before pointing at the diner just up the road. "Finally, hopefully, she is safe otherwise I'll lose my head."

Cujo entered the diner, loudly making his appearance. Many of the occupants looked at the entrance in curiosity with some having a little fear of this dog, one of the main three members of Cerberus. Cujo the Hellhound. Some thought he was there for them for payments or something, some afraid just because he was there. The owner of the diner reached under the counter, a baseball bat for a weapon gripping the handle tightly.

Kai failed to notice Cujo at first as he was locked in eye contact with Taiyo, he then felt something hit his head, a salt packet making him look at Wu who pointed at the entrance he saw Cujo, who luckily didn't see him. Cujo started to walk towards Wu who stepped out from his seat as he knew he was heading to him, looking left and right he had no choice, he clapped his hands together and started praying. "To any God out there that will listen please grant me mercy!"

"If it is me, they said no. I'll make it painless if you just tell me where--" Cujo stopped in his tracks before ducking down, something flew over him. Wu clapped his hands together again to try and catch what was flying at him but missed, but yet it stopped right before touching him, it was a feather that fell to the ground. "Junfuku the Mad Crow of the Black Sky..." Cujo stated as he turned around.

At the entrance Junfuku stood proudly, everyone ducked their heads down to avoid confrontation between the two. "Dante Cujo, the Hellhound of Cerberus and son of a bitch between a dragon and dog."

"Hey! Don't insult my Ma! My father you can go for the throat, but never my Ma! And what about you? How is the dumbass turned chicken?" Cujo insulted Junfuku, it had to have been deep.

"You mean Enforcer turned bodyguard, and things are great!" He lied under his beak. "How is your family, like that girlfriend-- oh wait she left you!"

"Just find... how's your wife?" That cut deep, everyone knew Junfuku had no other living family, none related or married. The Crow strutted his wings, the feathers turning sharp as blades while Cujo cracked his knuckles each of them bursting with flames. They matched forward to each other but stopped when the Pig owner slammed the bat on the counter top getting everyone's attention.

"Enough!" He said, sweating from the pressure of the two. "Take it outside, now!" The two looked at the owner then each and then finally around, they almost fought in a crowded spot. They both shrugged and started to walk outside, nearly forgetting why they were there in the first place.

The moment Junfuku stepped outside, Cujo jumped him, slamming a powerful back kick to the crow's back sending him flying a few feet before chasing him. Junfuku took this chance and flapped his wings getting into the air and with a powerful strike of his wings he sent sharp feathers flying at a Cujo who dodged them.

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