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Happy reading!

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"If that's your list Shivani, of why I shouldn't marry you, it doesn't scare me away. I am going to marry you." He says gruffly, not breaking eye contact. I have never felt this intimidated, not even by my father. But Rudraksh's words give me hope whereas my father's broke my hope.

There's a beat of silence but he doesn't for a second look away from me, he has no doubt in his mind about his decision, he actually wants to marry me.

"Will you marry me, Shivani?" He asks calmly, now holding my hand slightly rubbing his thumb across the back side of my palm. I am grateful how he has asked me five times whether I want this marriage or not when my own parents didn't care to ask, they just imposed their decision on me. I nod, giving him my approval. I don't know him but from this encounter and from how he handled my out burst, all I know is he is better than my parents.

I deeply regretted my emotional breakdown because if some how my mother got to know about any of it, which she always does, I would be dead. This is a deal for my parents and they don't like it when they don't get what they want, I remember in childhood whenever my father couldn't crack a business deal he used to come home have a drink or two and slap me as many times as he wanted to blow off the steam, I shouted initially called out for anyone to help but no one did, eventually I learned it's better to keep quite and go through it.

If Rudraksh would have not married me I don't know what they would do with me, but that's not the thing, the thing is I had to tell him, I can't ruin someone else's life for my benefit, it's not who I am, I warned him and if he still wants to marry me I can't stop him.

"I need words, darling." He says snapping me out of my thoughts. He looks as surprised as I am with that word but neither of us say anything regarding it, it must be slip of tongue, "Can I ask you something before that?" I say carefully and he nods.

"Do you have any one you like? As in a girlfriend or something?" I need to know because even though I don't expect anything from him, and I won't stop him if he has someone, but I just want him to keep that out of his house, I can ignore it that way.

"I think you did not hear me properly. I am yours and you're mine Shivani." He says intensely, and I feel my skin getting warm, his voice is so rough yet so gentle right now.

"I don't like repeating, answer the question Shivani, Will you marry me?" I still can't wrap my head around the fact that he wants to know my answer, he said he will treat me with respect and he will be loyal to me, I won't get that anywhere. Not that I have any options, but right now this feels right to me,

"Yes Rudraksh. I will marry you." I say gathering all my courage and looking into his dark brown eyes.

"Good. I am not good at this stuff so maa will be handling all the wedding departments." He says, taking out a black card placing it near my hand, "this is my credit card, you keep it and spend on whatever you like. Don't worry about the price, that won't be a problem, got it?"
My eyes widen, he just gave me an unlimited credit card with no hesitation or thoughts.

"What? You're my fiance aren't you? I will pay for everything from now on."
"You think I can't pay for my own stuff?" I say, I know I don't really have any money but that's borderline offensive.
"Well, someone's feeling feisty," He chuckles, a deep and warm sound that rumbled from his chest.

"It's not about what I think, as your fiance it's my right to spoil you rotten and that's exactly what I am going to do. You get what you like Shivani." I feel my cheeks going red at his word, I look down at the card to hide from him, its black surface gleaming under the light, and then back up at him. He smirks at me a subtle yet confident expression. One corner of his mouth lifts slightly, giving his face a sly and playful look. His eyes glint with a mixture of amusement and challenge, making it clear he's enjoying the moment. I like it, I like that he isn't the man I saw in photos, this is someone else, someone I am yet to discover more about, but I want to know him more, as much as I can. I give him a shy smile.

"Do you want to have something? You can order, I have a meeting to attend in an hour so I will have to leave." I feel disappointment bubbling in me but what's wrong with me I can't expect him to sit and chat with me whole day, also it's only been what 30 minutes since he met me. In a way I am glad though, I don't like eating in front of people, it makes me uncomfortable because I feel they'll judge me, I mean I am fat so I should eat less but food is one thing that gives me joy so I tend to eat a lot.

"No thank you, I already ate at home." I give him a tight lipped smile.
"Alright then, how about I walk you to the car?" He asks, I nod and get up. He comes and stands by me, he's too tall, almost a feet, I have to raise my head to see him, "let's go" He says not really paying attention to me, he's busy on his phone.

I nod particularly to no one as he is glued to the phone screen and start walking, he is too fast, at pace he is walking I will have to run. I am not much of a fast walker, he slows down his stride as if sensing that I can't catch up and I am grateful for that, and then suddenly he stops, turns around and stands beside me, pocketing his phone he takes my hand in his all while maintaining an eye contact with me, which I have a strong desire to break because I can't hold eye contacts, I try to look down but he gently tilted my chin up with his thumb and I am forced to look at his eyes, very enchanting eyes.

He bends down and whispers in my ear, "you will always walk beside me shivani, maybe ahead me but never behind me." He looks up into my eyes, I realise he still recalls my words, I told him I can only walk behind him but he won't let me. I don't know why but I feel tears stinging my eyes, this man people say is rude and ruthless yet it's very hard for me to believe that. Because from what I am looking right now he's kind and only one who treats me like a fellow human.
With that he walks beside me, hand in hand, his hand never letting go of mine, and all I can do is walk with him, admire him.

I think you will be alright shivani.

Author's note
Hello readers, it's me again!
I hope y'all are doing fine. I have a good news I will be releasing two chapters this Saturday!
Also I hope you liked this chapter, I would like to hear your comments and don't forget to vote pls!

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