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"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" they say. But what do you do when you find yourself at 5 am in a room squirming with ants?

Hi! My name is Catherin, and I'm 24, and financially struggling right now. I bet you're wondering how I ever ended up in this situation? Well... let's start from the beginning!

It was a sunny day in August, which is rare where I'm from, so naturally there were many people out on a walk and in the park. As I woke up on that sunny day, I threw my hair into a bun, grabbed myself an apple, and was getting ready to head to work. All of that changed when as soon as I left the apartment, I saw an eviction notice. I don't make much at my job where I work, so I expected it, but I didn't think I would be this helpless afterwards. So helpless that I had to ask my only friend, Michael Faraday. Don't get me wrong, he is an amazing guy, however, sometimes his ideas can be a tad bit (what's a good way to say this?) over the top! (there we go). Even Though, what he said completely made me lose faith in humanity after what he said. The conversation went a little like this- (imagine him saying this in the most surfer dude voice possible)
"Bro, Cat, Good thing you came right to me! I know the perfect guy!"
"Excuse me?"
"His name is Ant, he's like super duper rich, like- 'he owns a private beach in the bahamas, kinda rich' and 'I eat olive garden daily' kinda rich"
"I hope you realize I'm looking for a place to stay, not a gold mine."
"I know! That's what I'm telling ya! He occasionally rents out a few rooms of his mansion to my homies, although no one but him is living in his mansion right now."
"Sounds good, what's the catch with me living there?"
"The good thingies is that you only have to pay for the rent of living there. You get your own personal kitchen. And, it's closer to your work than your last apartment."
"..And the bad things?"
"Well... none actually, aside from the fact that he can barely hold up a conversation so it gets kinda depressing and stuff, but yah"
So there I was trusting that fool and the thing he said, so I ended up on Anthony's doorstep, with my luggage, where his butler checked me in and by then I was really tired, so good thing I had already called my office saying I would be gone today. I walked into what seemed like a 5 star hotel, with heaven-like mattresses and pillows so soft, I didn't think they could exist. After All that I fell fast

Fast forward to now, I wake up at 5 am, hearing glass shatter, just to find Ants crawling all around my room, luckily none of them had crawled up to my bed yet, However that did not justify how loud I screeched, as if my firstborn son had just been sacrificed. Just a moment later, a tall slender-like figure struts through the doorway. "I heard a scream, What's wrong!?" I see a red-headed boy with black streaks in his wavy hair. He pulls out a vacuum from behind him, and makes a vacuumed path to me, a path which is ant free. He walks down the path, which looks godly to me at the moment. "C'mon, get on my back!" he exclaims, gesturing for me to piggy-back him. With me on his back, we rush out of the ant-filled room.As I hop off his back, I Ask "Who are you?", "My name is Anthony, However you may call me Ant"

As Ant looks at me, I notice that he has a blue eye and a red one. "Sorry, I don't sleep with my colored contacts in, they must have disturbed you-"
"That's not true!"
He looks at me with that nintendo-switch gaze of his, with eyes so sharp, they could puncture the hull of an empire class battleship, leaving thousands to drown at sea- because they're so sharp. "Well..." he says "you could go back to sleep in the other guest room". "What happened here anyway?" I say, as I snap out of staring at his gorgeous orbs. "My ant-cage fell, leaving glass shards everywhere and my ants all over the place."
"That explains the noise of the glass breaking" I exclaim
"I apologize for the noise, it's not always like this in this house"
"I believe you" I say, heading towards the bed in the guest room. "Finally some peace" I say, jumping onto the bed, soft, but not as soft as the one in the other room.

I finally reawakened from my slumber. At 7 am, I threw my hair into a messy bun, and went downstairs into my personal kitchen, only to find out that there was a cat sitting on top of the fridge. "What you doin there little guy?" I hear a deep voice echo through the hallway. Ant shows up out of nowhere, with is red-black locks dripping wet -which I assumed was from his shower this morning- and both his eyes blue as the ocean. "Your eyes" I mindlessly say, not thinking about how he might take offense to that. "I put in colored contacts, you were not supposed to know about my eyes. I have a rare condition called-" "-Heterochromia!" I blurted out "Ya I know, my brother has the same condition." "That's cool." he inputs. To break the awkward silence, I say "Anyway, did you adopt this cat?"
"Huh! Oh, no not really"
"She kinda just wandered in herself"
"Ohk that makes sense"
"Anyway, you wanna grab a meal with me? I'm going to a nice coffee place before going to work, since you don't seem to have any food in the fridge to make a meal out of"
"Oh! Ya, good idea"
Aaaand that's how I ended up in the real-nice-lookin tesla of some handsome rich guy.

When he parks his car, he opens my car door for me. "Oh, thankyou" I looked away, because my face was probably as red as a GPS system recalculating its life choices. "Are you okay? You are red. Do you have a cold?" "NO! I'm fine"I suppose I didn't do a nice job hiding my face. When I finally get over myself, I accidentally happen to trip, but then he catches me in his well sculpted muscular arms. Again, I get lost in his bright gaze, and I can practically see those police-siren colored eyes of his through his contacts. "Are you sure you are okay? You are even more red now!" "hUH? yA im fine" I manage to hop out of his strong grasp. As we walk into the coffee shop, I somehow manage to cool down. I suddenly lock eyes with a cute barista as we get in line- but I don't pay attention to it. Ant looks at me and asks me what I want to get. I tell him I'll just have a sweet iced coffee "but wait! Nevermind, i don't have enough money.." "I'll pay" "what??" "I'll. Pay." "Ya i know what you said but why?" "take it as an apology from last night". I turn away as my face turns red, And he giggles to himself. "Did you just laugh at me?" "wHoops-" he says with sarcasm. I've never seen him smile before. I think his smile is cute. "I'm sorry?" he asks. My face turns into an even darker shade of red as I realize that I just said out loud. As he handed me my drink, his hand slightly touched my arm and he must've noticed because we both immediately broke eye contact, and turned red.

As he drops me off at work I thank him and frolic off on my merry way. "Who was that cutie??" asks my bestie, Bohr. Honestly, He's kinda fruity, I swear he has a thing for Michael. Anyway, I tell him "that's my new house mate" "ooooooh~ sounds romantic✨" I don't even know how he managed to say "✨", but at this point it doesn't even bother me. "What do the readers think about this?" he says as if we are in a story of some kind "pardon???" I ask "NVM" he replies. I don't know why, but somehow, that sounded passive aggressive.

Fast forward to the end of the day. After taking the bus, I come home, only to find a bunch of guys in suits, but as they notice me, they rush out the front door. "Who were they?" I asked Ant, who was sitting on the living room couch, with the palm of his hand all around his forehead. "Just some men from my work," he says. "Where's your work-" I get interrupted by a series of loud crashes. We both rush to the kitchen, because that's where the noise came from, only to find a racoon digging through the trash "i'm starting to wonder if this is a house or a zoo" "and i'm starting to wonder if your a disney princess, because we never has this many animal problems in the span of 2 days before" he gives a snarky response. "Fair" I replied "I am really gorgeous. The only thing I'm missing at this point is a pair of glass shoes and a crown". As we call animal management again we sit in the dining hall quietly, as the silence is broken by a worker saying "Well, the animal problem is fixed, This a a sweet home you got here" followed by another worker saying "a sweet house, for a sweet couple" "we're not a couple!" we say in unison "Ma bad, bruh" the workers say, as they leave, with sly expressions on their faces. "Anyway, your rent" "what" i ask. "When are you gonna pay the rent?" "I-I-'' I stutter "I-I-I don't know when I'll have enough money, but I'll try to pay you back as soon as possible." "i'll hold you to that, even if it takes you 3 years"

This routine went on for a couple months. Everything was normal. We bonded over-time. We went out to hang together often. We got ourselves into weird situations too. Until one day something happened...

"I told you, I'm not going to marry someone I don't know!" I heard him say this to someone over the phone. "I already have a person in mind!" My face went blank. The thought never occurred to me that he might have someone else. I thought I had a crush on him, but I didn't think it would hurt this much to have my heart broken like this. I will try to listen more. "No, she does not know who i truly am yet, but that will never change the way i feel about her, Dad!" Was he talking to his father? Now I'm interested, because he never talked about his parents. My parents died  when I was a young kid, so it had always just been me and my brother, but now I realized, I know nothing about him at all. His parents, his job, heck, I didn't even know where he went everyday, while I was at work. "Is someone there?" I hear him call out. I think he caught me, so I ran away feeling nauseous. What do I do in this situation? Ask him questions? Run away? I panic, so I go to my favorite spot in his house, The backyard garden. It's a giant garden of flowers, where there is a picnic spot with chairs and a table in the middle of the garden, and there is an insect shelter over it all, so none can get in. I can feel him looking at me from the doorway. "What are you not telling me?" I ask in a commanding voice. I want to know. I need to know.
"Let me sit down and i'll tell you everything"

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