Chapter XVI: Maybe I Have To

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At Eazim:

Medhat POV:

I was sitting in the courtroom on my chair waiting for my soldier. He should be here any moment. I kept tick tocking the tip of my fingers on the handle of the chair making slow sounds. I was eager for him to come.

After a while or so, I heard a knock on the door, indicating he had arrived. I spoke, "Come in!".

As he came in, he was wearing a commoners attire with a cape on his head and mask covering his face revealing only his eyes. I stood up from my chair and crossed my arms giving a look as if I wanted the answer quick.

"Your Highness, I have been keeping a watch on her. Seems like she isn't planning to go anywhere".

"Hmmm..... Did you find her name?".

"I did, trying to ask a few questions from the people. I saw her in the healing tent, she is a tabib. But when I asked the people, they said she wasn't from Abadi, she was just a mere forest girl who saved Prince Zayn. Since King Omer is indebted to her, she is allowed to live in the palace. Her name is Rabia. I am unaware of her surname".

"Rabia........ Interesting" .

"And, last night, I tried spying on her, she was writing something but felt my presence and closed the window".

"Hmmm... I see. Did she converse with anyone?".

"Yes quite".

"Who?". My right eyebrow raised in question.

"I don't know, but he blocked her way when she was coming out of the healing tent, he wasn't the prince but by his attire, he looked like a soldier".

"Good. You can leave for Abadi again, I want more updates".

The guard bowed and left. I fell back to my chair holding my chin lightly lost in thoughts. Who was the guy? Was he her admirer? Why was I kind of jealous? If she doesn't plan on meeting me, I will!

At Abadi:
Rabia POV:

I was ready to leave my room until I heard a knock on the door,

"Rabia, dear, may I come in".

The queen? Here to see me? That was an unusual event as I told that I don't interact much with the royal family members nor do they do the same.

"Come in". I said in a hesitant voice as I was confused but pretty sure she meant business.

She came in wearing a light skin toned royal gown with light  bluish gray top.

She smiled at me and I did the same feeling kinda awkward

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She smiled at me and I did the same feeling kinda awkward. I was silent as I didn't know what to say. She came all of a sudden. Usually I make approaches to anyone in the palace or outside, Zayn was an exception though. I was relived she started the conversation.

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