Having to finish a dream ~ 1

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A few weeks earlier

"All right, kids. Or, should I say, Genin?" Iruka's eyes twinkled in humor as he announced the last of the team constellations.

"Your Jōnin-sensei will come to pick you up after this lesson ends. Don't be too mad if they don't immediately show up. Nobody can always show up right on time. And they are busy people after a–"

He was abruptly cut off by three short knocks on the door, followed by a gloved hand sliding it open. A tall man with spiky, silver hair entered, long strides crossing the classroom in the blink of an eye.

Coming to a stop next to a stunned Iruka and looking at the group of freshly promoted Genim, he called out to no one in particular,

"Team 7, gather at Training Ground 3 in eight minutes."

Then, right on cue, the Academy bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson.

The man, apparently having finished, left the room with a rather unspectacular Shunshin and a gust of wind where he stood a second ago.

There was silence for a few short, awkward moments before Iruka cleared his throat. "...right. I guess there is someone who will always show up on time."

The children started whispering to each other, some outright yelling to their friends across the room – they had been told to sit with their teammates – about the man from just now, and if their own Jōnin-sensei would be like him. 

The chattering stopped suddenly, as a boy sitting at the back of the classroom stood up. He made his way through the room, whispers following him and glances being thrown at his back.

"Where is the rest of his team?"

"Poor Sasuke-kun, his team must've left already."

"Sasuke-kun is way too cool to walk with those losers anyway."

"I think the other two weren't here to being with...", someone muttered.

"Really? Well, I did think it was awfully quiet. It must be because the Dead-last isn't here."

"Why'd he even get assigned to a team? I thought he failed."

Sasuke didn't bother closing the door behind him, the voices of his now former classmates becoming quieter as he walked further away from the classroom.

But it was true.

Where were they?

"Where are the other two?" his new Sensei questioned him as soon as Sasuke got into hearing range.

He clicked his tounge. "Why would I know where those idiots are?"

"You are a team. It is your duty to relay any summons to your teammates." he said in an exasperated tone.

"You told me to be here in eight minutes. I wouldn't be on time if I had gone to search for them." the Uchiha scoffed in an equally exasperated tone. "Besides, I could've come here to tell you I'd begin searching for my teammates now. To make sure you don't think I'm purposefully late."

"You are required to notify me of such things immediately. The fact you waited this long to tell me would've been a breach of the rules." he shot back immediately, a stern look in his gaze.

"Fine. I'll go search for them." It was no use arguing with this old man.

"If you haven't found them by noon, report back to here."

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