update on the first edition of S.A.B

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The first edition is totally different from the the that I have already written.

Blue is actually biracial in this one, because it's the main thing, so I wanna make sure I get everything that I wrote down in my notebook, to be in this book, I will only change some cringy and stupid parts so the books doesn't look stupid.

Like I said I was 14 when I wrote it so, I have to make some small minor changes.

But It will all depend on you guys if you will like it or not, but I really hope you do.

The S.A.B that I am currently writing now will soon end, so I can start writing this books and give you guys a schedule update.

It won't be a long book, just 10 or 15 chapters, because the book itself is not long, but the chapters will be long, I think so.

So I can't wait for you guys to read it.

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