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Motivation was a driving factor for artists. There was no art without muse, and the muse could be anything that sparked joy. Some days it came from within. Some days it just needed a little help coming out. Other days you couldn't wring the last drops of inspiration out of your soul. Those kinds of days were torture. You wouldn't be able to create something good, something worthwhile, even if someone held you at gunpoint.

Suhani could relate a tad. Just a tad, of course. She was generally perfect with everything she did, of course. Never heard of struggle in her whole life, of course. That was the slightest bit exaggerated, but it was simply some brainwa— positive affirmations to start the day off with. God knew she'd need it.

With perfect Sunday autumn weather came the brown dad's innate desire to wake their child up at the crack of dawn. One thing lead to another, and despite how much she wished she was still all cozied up under her covers, Suhani was sitting in a cafe down the road with a clear warning from her mother: come back with live sketches, or no entry.

Sure, it was good for her to practice more live sketching, but did it have to be first thing in the morning immediately after nearly dying from two separate monsters? Apparently, yes, yes it did. No amount of bargaining was leading to anywhere. Suhani was left stranded and groggy at the porch of their apartment complex with her tote, her sketchbook, some pencils, and her Nintendo that she'd snuck in, and headphones to get her through the unreasonable amount of exhaustion she was facing.

Suhani consoled herself with a chocolate croissant before getting to work. But with no will to live, much less the energy to find the beauty in life, nothing she put to paper was coming out right. The cat had become a sea urchin, the cute boy across the street was the average boy across the street, and there was a poor old woman who'd been transformed into the caricature of Pinocchio because the nose just refused to come out right. She'd done enough for now, hadn't she? Attempting any more would just be embarrassing, frankly.

She should take a break, clear her head, relax a little. Maybe that would help with her inspiration ( not really ), but that was her excuse. She pulled out her Nintendo and started the game. One moment she was in the cafe, and the next she was lying across a bed with sore muscles. She groaned. Her eyelids felt so heavy. The pain hadn't transferred when she'd gone back home, but she knew where it came from. It was the same pain Jimmy had inflicted upon her by squishing her together with Grover after the workout of a lifetime was back and spreading like fire through her body.

"This is why I don't exercise." She wailed through her pain.

"Welcome to Camp 'Exercise-or-get-eaten'." Someone responded to her cry of pain with amusement. Suhani narrowed her eyes and whipped her head to the side to meet with the most striking pair of grey eyes she'd ever laid her eyes upon. Instantly, she was sitting upright, jaw dropped, hand reaching out in an attempt to shake, but she recoiled and regretted her actions as her expression crumpled in pain.

"Hey, take it easy." Annabeth frowned, inching forward to help her lean back. "That cyclops did a number on you. I'm surprised you managed to think through the pain."

"Yeah, mostly because I couldn't feel it much back then." Suhani said, "Adrenaline, probably."

Annabeth nodded, looking pleased. "That was your godly blood kicking in."

Suhani smirked. She was being initiated by Annabeth Chase herself. Normally it switched between three roles — Annabeth, Grover, or Chiron himself. Rick liked to give the fans a sense of familiarity. "Godly, huh? Is that what you think of me?"

In real life, Suhani was absolutely the cowardliest of cowards anyone could ever meet. When it came to love and the like, anyway. Never once had she initiated any conversation with the people she'd formed crushes on. Her best friend would pass away from heart attack had she been here right now. The shock would have made her descend straight to the underworld, where she would screech out the ears of Hades and earn eternal punishment for still being in disbelief and then making it everyone else's problem.

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