When they spawn at Heaven Vesper spots someone he knew. "Vienna?!" If you watch the Sun and Moon show he sounds like Killcode. Ali and Ava talked at the same time. "You can talk?" Vienna turns around.."Vesper?" Her voice is sweet..like Honey almost. "I thought you were in hell.. I've been looking for you" Vesper speaks quickly. "I thought you were in heaven....and who are these lovely dears over here?" She points to Ali and Ava...Ali steps forward and shakes her hand. "My names Ali dear... it's quite the pleasure to meet you" Ali greets everyone this way...Ava steps up and shakes her hand to. "Hi miss Vienna...I love your hair" Ava is being polite for once because she know Vesper would kill her. Emily interrupted. "I'm sorry to interrupt this but we need to fix the heaven problem first." Emily didn't want to be rude but they had to stop the Heaven problem. "Sure Emily" Adam (he is still alive in this) comes to us. "Look Lute it's some fucking Demon's here." Adam walks up the Ali. "Hi there you can call me dick master" Ava talks. "Is it because your gay..you don't have dick the people you fuck do" Ali is trying not to laugh.
Vesper comes back after talking to his wife...we spot Ava's sister in heaven. We teleport her back...(I lost train of thought sorry guys)