Season 2 Episode 1 (the true divorce)

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The news has been going viral after Vox sent some of demon's secrets to Katie Killjoy, how gladly took the information and told all of hell about it. "Welcome to 666 news, today we have some fantastic shit for you. Isn't that right Tom" She said in a sarcastic, narcissist, but buddy time of way. "That's right Katie, Vox sent us some secrets of the powerful over lord Demon. Would you like to tell us Katie." He says, wanting to here the news. "Gladly, The powerful overlord Demon divorced his hell born wife Ava..the details of the divorce is still hidden, but Vox will keep us updated" Vox turns off the TV

"Well I told Demon I would use his threat's against him" He laughed slightly while pulling Ali on the leash he has on her. (not in a sexual way like how Alastor had Husker on the leash in EP 5) "I fucking knew it..Demons been avoiding meetings and Ava's been sleeping on my couch..I knew it" Her voice having a static tone and small pentagrams around her. She twirls her staff in hands. 

There is a figure roaming in street, stalking his next victim before killing them and taking the woods of hell..he is about 10 feet tall on all fours and 20 feet tall on his hind legs.

Ava is passed out on Ali's couch with a beer bottle in her hands hung over..Ali came back after the weekend and saw Ava. "Ava dear can you not have that vile drinks in my room please dear" She says, she is bit more gentle with Ava and Demon but doesn't show it much..but for most people she would kill them on the spot for this shit. "Sorry Ali I *hic* been on edge *hic*.." Ava passed out..Ali sighs and puts a blanket on Ava.

The next day Ali calls a meeting and Demon actually shows up this time..Ava is a bit hungover but not to bad.."Okay..Ava, Demon..we need to address the elephant in the room" Ali tone is extremely concerned because even though she doesn't show it she does care for Ava and Demon. "And what's the problem Ali!-" Demon is a bit on edge and probably isn't doing well. Ava is looking away from Demon and is trying not to cry but hides it well. "You and Ava's divorce" Ali looks pissed but concerned that both of them are hurt by this.. Ava's eyes start to go sided to side really fast looking upset. "How did yo-" Demon cuts off Ava. "HOW THE FUCK DID YOU FIND OUT" Dead vines surround the room as Demon is pissed. "It was on the news, So are you guys going to tell my why you guys got a fucking divorce dears" Ali is pissed but still stays calm which is surprising. "Demon still had feelings for his Ex" Ava sounded like she was about to cry but she didn't and held it in. "And Ava told me secrets to Velvettee without my consent!" Demon was pissed and really didn't want to talk things out. "I told you I was sorry" Ava was really about to cry. "And I told you it wasn't enough.. I'm done with this shit I'm leaving, fuck you" Demon left and Ava put her head on the table and cried. "I'm such a fucking mess" Ava says while crying. Ali turns soft for once and put her hand on Ava's shoulder. "You aren't a mess dear...Demon just needs some you want a hug dear?" This is the one time Ali would allow physical touch. "Yea~..." Ava said with tears in her eyes. They hugged but it only lasted about 10 minutes...more than Ali would have liked but she did this for her friend..Ali pulls away. "You feel better dear?" Ali is still concerned but hides it well. "Yea..want to blow up some shit in the Greed ring?" Ava really wants to blow up some shit. "Sure Dear"

(Season 2 is finally out yay)

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