Chapter 1

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Dark Fortress of Olga Discordia)

Both Dark Elves Olga Discordia the Dark Queen of dark elves. Now sit in their cell together. Defeated by Volt and his cronies called Kuroinu who have likely taken over her castle.

"What can we do Olga-sama..?" Chloe says looking a bit worried.

"I don't know.. the best we can do Chloe. Is hope that we can plan a way to escape this." Olga says looking blankly. Not happy in the current predicament that both of them are in.

"What about your magic?" Chloe asked facing her Queen who suddenly thought about it. She would normally cast her spells with her scepter. It's been some time since she did hand spells.

"I suppose I can use my magic. I can use a magical prayer." Olga would muse with Chloe facing her Queen in hope. Having complete faith in Olga's powers.

Olga would begin to concentrate and channel magic into her hands. Using her magic to call in a magic prayer to any for help. She never thought she would have to rely on help from someone else but she refused to let these humans have the satisfaction of taking both her and Chloe.

Her Magical prayer would call on a powerful entity using her summon.

Olga's hands glowed purple using her powers.

But to her and Chloe's surprise. A bright purple light had filled their cell as it enveloped around them.

The light fades from their shared cell.

Once it died down. The Cell was empty.

(Unknown Void)

Olga and Chloe frantically looked around wondering where they are. They look like they are in some kind of void like world.

"Olga-sama where are we?" Chloe her hand maiden asked with Olga unsure how to even answer where they are. They know they are not in the castle or the dungeon anymore.

"I have no idea..." Olga answered honestly.

"That would be my doing." A voice says making both dark elves turn to the sound of the voice as they stares at a cloaked hooded figure. Who gazed at them with red eyes with pinwheels as pupils.

"Who are you?" Olga asked calmly with Chloe instantly besides her wearing chains and cuffs.

"Who am I? I am a God. My name is Zero Arashi Uchiha. I have summoned you two here." Zero would introduce himself to the two dark elves with his Sharingan glowing underneath his hood.

"A god? And you summoned us?" Olga asked to make sure she heard right.

"Yes. I am. Let me take those off." Zero would say pointing his hand at Chloe and would immediately take all the cuffs and chains off of her.

"T-Thank you!" Chloe says finally free. Those damn Kuroinu mercenaries had cuffed her and chained her until she was ready to see Volt.

"So my magic prayer.." Olga would trail off.

"I sensed your magic from within the void that we are in. Plus. I foresaw your predicaments along with a dark future had I ignored your magic prayer." Zero answered with his hands folded making the dark elves look at him.

"Dark Future?" They both said in unison.

"Yes. Your country or whole entire land is going to be enslaved by the one you call Volt and his Kuroinu Mercenaries." Zero answered with both dark elves gasping

"Enslaved..? How?!" Chloe asked with the god facing her.

"Volt rallied the support of the monsters that your dear Queen once had at her disposal to become apart of Volt's so called dream: The Empire of Sex." He answered with both dark elves looking disgusted

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