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It was a beautiful sunny day today. Quincy and I were laid out on the green grass of daddy's huge lawn. We had been swimming for almost half of the day and were completely beat. Well, at least I was. Quincy still had the most energy and was practically begging me to join him for another swim. I knew not to trust him though. What he meant by one last swim would surely last us until supper time.

"I'll be right there." I lied as I rolled over from my stomach onto my back.

The sun felt so amazing on my skin. I couldn't for the life of me find the strength to move. If I could, I'd lay out here until bedtime. I mean I could try, but dad would just force me into the house to eat like his done for the last couple of days. The weather had been so nice that Quincy and I had been swimming for days in a row. I couldn't remember how many though.

"You're lying." Quincy whined. He sat up and rubbed his cold hands onto my bare stomach.

"Ah." I yelped.

I sat up and shoved him and I frowned as I watched him roll over and burst into an eruption of annoying laughter. I rolled my eyes at his antics and once again laid down on my back. I propped my hands behind my head and crossed my legs as I shut my eyes.

"Beyyyy." He whined.

"No." I muttered. "That's what you get for touching me with your cold hands." I giggled.

I heard him kiss his teeth and soon after heard splashing coming from the pool. I opened my right eye and slightly squinted as I lifted my head up to get a better look at him.

"The water is so nice Bey." He yelled.

I was tempted, but I just wasn't feeling it anymore. "Nah." I laughed. I laughed even harder when I saw him punch the water and mutter something to himself. As I laid back down and shut my eye, I frowned when darkness consumed me. Where'd the sun go? I opened my eyes and scrunched up my nose. Uncle Michael was stood above my head. He peered down at me with a great big smile.

"Having fun?" He questioned as he sipped on his glass bottled beverage.

I nodded as I once again closed my eyes. Him blocking the sun like this was starting to make me feel cold. The longer he stood, the colder my top half got. Because of this, I shivered slightly. I should've worn the one piece instead of this two piece set.

"You getting cold?" He chuckled. "It's so hot out."

I shook my head as I bit onto my bottom lip. How do I tell him to move out of the way without sounding rude? Hey old man, you're blocking the sun! I giggled at myself. I'd never say that.

"You're blocking the sun." I spoke softly.

He didn't speak for a while and I panicked slightly. Was I being rude? My eyes shot open and I looked up at him only to find him smiling down at me. So he wasn't angry? A small smile made its way onto my face as I watched him slowly take another sip of his foamy yellow drink.

"My bad." He chuckled as he moved to the side. The sun hit me and I felt myself immediately warm up.

"Didn't want the sun damaging that beautiful skin of yours."

He walked around me and stood a few spaces away from me and I sat up. I squinted slightly as I looked up at him and placed my hands behind me as I slightly leaned back onto them.

"You think I have beautiful skin?" I gushed.

He nodded as he brought his dark shades further down the bridge of his nose. His icy blue eyes were now on full display and he gawked at me from head to toe. He did this for a small while longer before placing the shades back over his eyes.

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