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It was normal day at the Carrera household with Anna, Mike, Kiara, and Kamryn they'll were having breakfast. After they had breakfast Kam and Kie went into their room when Kie heard her parents talking about something so she went heard what they were talking about.

"Mike honey." Anna says "Yes baby. " Mike answered.
Anna continued "So you know how Malachi is in California right now right ?"

"Of course I do I just talk to him two weeks ago why." Mike says confused " Ok so I just got off the phone with him he said that he is moving back to the OBX and he gonna to move in the old beach house with his friends and he's good to the same school as the twins." Anna tells him.

After Kiara hears everything her parents just said she had to tell her sister so she went into Kam room."Omg May guess what" Kiara says "What?" Kamryn answers confused as ever.

"Kian is moving back to OBX and going to live in the old beach house with his friends and his going to our school." Kiara continued " Omg Mila your joking right. " Kamryn asks excited "No I heard the whole thing between mom and dad." Kiara explains " Yay." Kamryn says happy since haven't seen her brother in an couple months.

After Kiara and Kamryn thought about it they noticed that something off they stayed in quiet until Kiara broke the silence by saying " Am so happy but isn't it weird that he didn't call us." Kamryn thinks about for an second then said "Yea that is a bit weird even for Kian."

" Yea right because when he visits us he always calls us and tell us that coming to visit but why didn't he he call is to tell us that he's moving back to OBX." Kiara explains " We should call him" Kamryn suggest "Of course we sho-." Kiara starts to say but gets cut off by her phone ringing. Kiara to see who is its Sarah Kam and Kie best friends since birth. "Hey Sarah is calling me." Kiara tells her twin sister "Pick it up it's probably an emergency" Kamryn says concern about Sarah what's wrong with her

Kiara picks up the phone call and puts it on speaker so Kamryn could hear what's Sarah is saying.

*On the call*

"Hey Sar what's up." Kiara says

"Hey Kie so I gotta tell you something." Sarah says

"Ok tell me-." Kiara says looking at her twin sister

"Ok um so me, Cleo and SJ went on mainland to go the mall." Sarah states

"Ok and. " Kiara says confused

"And while we was walking to a store we saw our favorite person and you and your sister." Sarah continues

"Wait What who did you see." Kiara says curious about they saw

"We all saw Malachi but when he saw us he just walk away from us." Sarah tells her

"What really but why would he walk away." Kiara says but in asking way

"Yea I don't know why he walked away we about to say "hi" but then he just walked away. " Sarah explained

"That's just fucking weird that he did that but am gonna call you back Sar and Me and May are gonna call Kian" Kiara tells her

"Ok bye see later." Sarah says

"Bye Sar" Kamryn says and hangs up the phone then said "Why the fuck would he do that but like seriously Mila call him now." She tells Kiara " Yes am gonna do that now."

Kiara start call to Kian after ringing three times He answered his phone. Meanwhile on the other line Malachi lecturing his best friends what will Kiara and Kamryn heard on the other line.

Continue reading to find out what happens.

a/n: this is the first chapter hope you enjoy reading it and it's short but hope you like it luv ya angels. Please vote and comment.✨💕🍀💫💙

Word counts: 666 words


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