part One

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name: Arthur Lombard

Relationships: Younger brother of Mia Winters and brother-in-law of Ethan Winters And Rosemary Winters' uncle

Status: single

Previous age in Resident Evil 7: twenty years

Current age: twenty-six years old

Previous job: Scientist

Current job: Nurse

Height: 180

Appearance: A tall, handsome man with straight, dark brown hair, ice-blue eyes, and an almost muscular, flexible body.

Personality: Intelligent, cunning, friendly, and kind to those he loves. Observant, strong in memory, calm, peaceful, logical, loyalty, and with a gentle soul.

Skills: He has medical skills in addition to his knowledge of fungi and viruses as a result of his previous work. He is quick in his movements and knows the use of weapons and hand-to-hand combat well with skill and flexibility.

Past: Rather was working as an agent for the organization in which Mia was working in order to monitor the developments of Evelyn's experiment, but after the problem of other organizations knowing about the experiment and the disturbance that occurred, made Evelyn lose control and destroyed everything around them, which blew everything around them into rubble, leaving only three people alive. Evelyn Mia Arthur

After what happened, they were found by a person named Jack Baker, and it was the worst decision when he decided to take them to his house until they were okay.

The entire family was controlled, except for Zoe, Jack's daughter, whom Evelyn had less influence on than the rest, and Arthur and Mia were taken and included in this hellish family under Evelyn's control.

Almost three years pass until that day

Ethan appeared in the picture again after he received a message from his missing wife, whom he loves, pleading for help. He had already gone to a location he had identified for a family called the Baker, determined to bring his wife back with him.

The surprise was when he found his wife quickly, but something was wrong... very wrong... his wife attacked him and did not die when he hurt her, as if she was not the wife he knew. The biggest surprise was when he found Arthur later and he repeated the same words that Mia said to him.

"Ethan? What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here! You have to escape before he finds you!"

Arthur's situation was not much different from Mia's because he also seemed to be trying to resist something inside his head, but Arthur ended up being chased by a terrifying Ethan.

But in the end, Arthur was able to control himself with great difficulty, because the effect of Evelyn's control on his mind was less than that of Mia.

Arthur kept trying to convince Ethan to leave, but Arthur realized that there was no easy way out for Ethan, and so he decided to help Ethan find his way out of here... together.

In the end, Arthur, Mia, and Ethan were able to get out, but after a wreck and confrontations against all family members, despite the name, they were unable to save Zoe.

With the help of Chris Redfield, they were able to fully treat Arthur and Mia, and Ethan and Mia settled together. As for Arthur, of course, he resigned from his job and began working as a nurse in a hospital. This was due to his previous experience in the biological and medical sciences that he had, and he became so immersed in his work that his life became typical and boring.

Until that day when Ethan called Arthur

It turned out that Mia had become pregnant and Ethan was nervous, but Arthur was more happy than nervous and decided to move to the town where Mia and Ethan lived to be by their side.


The sound of a child's scream echoed in the hall

"Congratulations sir, here is your daughter."

I see the nurse handing Ethan the baby into his hands

"she is beautiful" Ethan whispers softly

I smile at him and say, "She's really beautiful."

"Have you decided what you're going to name her, Ethan?" I ask quietly, shifting my gaze to him again with some curiosity

"Yes, Mia and I chose a name together... Rosemary... Rosemary Winters," Ethan says with a happy smile.

"Rosemary?..a beautiful name." I say, repeating the name in my mind. Then I look at the beautiful baby girl in Ethan's hand and say, "Welcome to the family, Rosemary." I say with a smile, which for some reason makes the little girl giggle innocently.

I carefully hold the baby in my hands when Ethan enters the room where Mia is in to check on her while I carefully and gently shake the baby in my hands, "Unfortunately, I wished you would take a little of my genes. It would be funny if you would be more like me than Mia herself." I laugh quietly before I go in with Mia and Ethan to check on Mia

"Congratulations, you two have a beautiful baby girl," I chuckle softly as he carefully handed the baby to Mia.

"Thank you, brother. I'm sure Rosemary will have the best uncle ever," Mia says with a slightly weary but sincere smile.

"I will.. Little Rosemary I will always love her ," I replied with a slight nod

However, this peace did not last long


This is the first story I've written in this format, and it's my first Resident Evil story, and it was just a rudimentary introduction to Arthur and what his previous role was in the lives of Ethan and Mia.

The next parts will be written from different points of view

I will do my best to write. I am sorry if there are spelling errors because English is not my first language.

The next parts will be longer and more conceptual so as not to bore you

In the end, I write for fun

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