Chapter 4 ~ Elise

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"There's no way!" Mom exclaims while braiding my rowdy dark brown hair into neat pleats. "And then what did you say?"

I shake my head solemnly. "Nothing."

"Why not?"

Mom tucks a jasmine flower into the folds of the braid and I inhale the scent blissfully.

"'Cause he practically ran out after telling me. I guess he was afraid I would think he didn't deserve the role or something," I shrug, but despite my seemingly 'not caring', I see my uniquely green eyes, which must have originated from my father, staring back at me with a hint of sadness.

"Well, do you?"

"Nah," I tell her, "He may be the most annoying boy I've ever met, but he's an excellent actor."

"Then tell him that," Mom urges, finishing with my hair and pulling out the makeup kit.

I scoff. "Over my dead body. That ego of his will inflate to the point it'll blow up."

Mom chuckles while making me close my eyes as she applies a thin layer of foundation. I wish she could do this daily, but alas, she's only here on weekends. Which means she'll be gone by the time I wake up tomorrow morning.

"I guess you're right," she agrees, "And you're all set. Filming starts in twenty minutes, and it's at the farther set, the park one, today, so you'd better hurry-"

Mom is cut short by a knock at the door, and once she goes and answers it, she turns around and gives me a knowing smile. Wait what?

"Hey, girlfriend," an all too familiar voice calls, and I can practically hear the grin on his face, "I'm here to escort you safely to the 'park'."

"I don't need an escort," I retort. But I find myself rising and walking towards the door.

"Well it's such a shame you're going to have one anyway," he clucks. This boy drives me insane. And not in a good way.

I start to protest but think better once I recall how stubborn he is. "Fine," I grumble, "But, if you can't keep up, I'm leaving you behind, and I'm certainly not holding your hand."

"Deal," he smirks, and I resist the urge to roll my eyes and walk off without him. Like, why is he always smirking like some damn book character?

I wave bye to Mom and, just my luck, stumble on air the moment she closes the door. I'd love to say Liam caught me like those romantic moments in the cinemas I star in. But, alas, we're not on set and he's not my real boyfriend, so I land smack on my ass and he just snickers.

"Falling for me already? You really need to be more cautious."

"Oh, just shut it," I snap, my face red with embarrassment.

A couple of minutes later, we're walking side by side, and he keeps miming stumbling.

"I get the point, Liam," I snipe, irritated.

"Aw, is the firefly flashing her tail at me?"

"Get lost," I hiss in retaliation, "You're the most annoying person I have ever met. The only reason you're here is because your father cast you," I fib, too frustrated to think before I speak, my hand clamping over my mouth once I realize what I've just said.

He recoils as if I just pointed a gun at him and threatened to shoot it, and I feel a pang of something I haven't felt in the longest time. Regret.

"Oh shoot, Liam. I'm so, so, so sorr-" I try to stammer out, apology etched into every line of my face.

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