━━━ prologue

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"ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THIS, WALLY?" Was the first thing Juniper Evans said when she walked into her best friend's—also neighbour's—garage on a Sunday evening in late September 2006.

Wally West, nephew to Iris West and Barry Allen, was obsessed with becoming his uncle. Ever since Barry was forced to reveal his powers to his nephew to save him, everything Wally West ever wanted became so clear. Like someone was taking the rose-tinted glasses from his face.

Today, on this fateful evening, Wally West invited his best friend over to help him conduct the same freakish accident that caused Barry Allen to become the flash. . . except in a more contained way.

When being referred as a whole, the two of them were called 'The Twins'. It was odd, but it's been happening since they first met each other in first grade during after school science club—when they realized that they also lived right nextdoor to each other.

The nickname for them started originally due to the amount of time they spent together, well when they weren't in English and geography class. Also, there's also the factor that they look awfully similar. Both sharing orange hair—Juniper's just a tad more auburn than his.

So whenever a police officer showed up to their door steps, or a teacher called home, it was always "What did The Twins do now," and "Alright, we get it, The Twins will be dealt with."

Regularly, Juniper would go along with anything Wally did—hell, sometimes she'd be the one to recommend some of their most reckless stunts. . . But not this time. No, they didn't know enough about what they were doing and that was a big first for them.

Being top of all of their science and math classes, the two of them had advanced into grade twelve level academic maths and science. It was very rare that the two of them conducted experiments that quite literally blew up in their faces. Hence the police and irritated teachers.

Wally West was trying to create lighting in a bottle. Well, more like in an oversized glass demijohn.

The lightning was to strike him in a non-lethal way that'll mix with the chemicals in the room and give Wally the powers of speed. And the boy was sure he could keep everything under control long enough to make sure it doesn't explode and affect his best friend in the process.

It was unclear which of the chemicals in the room at the time of Barry's accident had mended with the lightning to cause his abilities, so Wally replicated each of the ones present and left them scattered around his and Juniper's makeshift lab in his garage.

He also added a few extras for good measure. "Hey, what's the sample's of our blood doing out?" Juniper was familiar with the plan, she was confused why he felt the need to add other factors into the mix.

"Better safe than sorry." He chimed, not really paying attention to Juniper, but to the glass he was about to grow lighting in.

"I don't think you're using that term correctly." She mumbled in reply.

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