My sponsor pt 1☺️

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Y/ns POV

I just got home from rehab and MAN it was hard but I got through it but now I have to go to these meetings EVERYDAY! I mean I can't complain cuz I put myself in this mess, so the best way to stay clean is going to these meetings.
I took a nice hot shower and put some black workout shorts and an oversized house of 1000 corpses shirt with the neck like cut out to hang off my shoulder and my converse. I decided to go for a cute and comfy look to my first meeting today, I straightened my hair and did some light makeup and headed my way to my meeting.
I'm driving down the road and my phone starts buzzing, it's my mom "hey mama!" I say "hey baby!! I just wanted to wish you good luck on your meeting a don't forget to find a sponsor, you're gonna need one now that you're out." She said in a serious tone "i got it mom I'm about to pull up I love you" "love you too baby" and we hung up. I take a big deep breath and head inside, not gonna lie I was pretty nervous.

I walked inside and there's already a lot of people here the chairs were all in a circle around the room, I spot an empty one and make my way to it. I was looking around at everyone and spot this really handsome guy with sleeves of tattoos blonde fluffy hair and from the looks he was super tall, looked like he was maybe late 20s or early 30s but he was stupid hot. He suddenly makes eye contact with me and my eyes went wide and looked down at the floor hoping he didn't notice me staring at him.
The meeting starts and everyone was talking about their addictions and shit that's helped them and finally this old man speaks up "okay is there any first timers here today?" He asked and I looked up and shyly raised my hand "welcome welcome sweatheart please introduce yourself" he says nicely "I-I'm y/n and I'm a addict" I say "hi y/n" everyone says together I kinda felt on the spot "we love that you are here to join us and we want you to know we love you and want to help you every step of the way" the old man says and that makes me smile and I mouth a thank you at him, "is there any available sponsors with us today?" He asks looking around I notice the handsome guy raise his hand "hey guys I'm Colson I'm an addict" "hey Colson" we all say.
Colson. I like that "I've been 13 years clean now and I haven't found anyone to sponsor but I would love to find someone I can guide and help" he says and looks over at me with sweet eyes which makes me blush.
We all talked for a good hour, said some prayers, read stuff and I even got my white chip!! The meeting ended and we all got up and a few people were hugging, the old man comes up to me and reaches for a hug which I return "you got this honey you seem really young, I'm glad you're here reaching for help" he says and patted me on the head, I smiled at him and thanked him and made my way outside. I suddenly hear footsteps behind me and I turn around and see Colson walking up to me "y/n right?" He says reaching out a hand "y-yea Colson?" I say grabbing his hand and shaking it "so this is your first meeting what did you think?" He asked "it was honestly nice everyone was so welcoming I'm happy to be here" I told him "you still need a sponsor?" He asked "y-yea I haven't uh I haven't found one yet" I say nervously looking down "how about this if you're comfortable I can take you out to lunch tomorrow and we can talk about me being your sponsor?" He asked me "s-sure yea that would be great" I said smiling a bit, he smiled back "okay how's Waffle House say... 12?" He offered and I nodded I love Waffle House "okay sounds like a plan I'll see you tomorrow y/n" and he gestures a hug, I hugged him and god he smelled so good "bye Colson" I said leaving. I can't believe this hot guy is gonna be my sponsor what a dream.

Time skip!!
Y/n pov

I woke up and checked the time 9:15, I jumped out of bed and went to go shower, I wanted to make sure I looked good for Colson but at the same time this is serious he's only talking to me because he wants to be a sponsor and help me through my addiction he doesn't wanna get involved with me I mean I'm fresh out of rehab he wouldn't wanna be with anyone who could make him wanna relapse, I thought to myself as I was getting ready.
I finally get ready I'm wearing black distressed skinny jeans a red tank top and my converse of course and put my hair up in a high messy pony tale, did some light eye liner and mascara and some hoop earrings, I sprayed my perfume and checked the time 11:45. Perfect, I thought to myself and headed to the Waffle House.

I walked into the restaurant and went a head and found a table and waited for Colson. 5 minutes later he comes in he's wearing black skinny jeans with a long sleeve Harley Davidson shirt, and boots, he looked so hot. He notices me and smiles walking towards the table, "hey y/n!!!" He says reaching for a hug I got up and hugged him he still smells so good.
"So tell me a bit about why you are in NA if you're comfortable" he asked and I got a bit nervous but if he's gonna be my sponsor he should probably know the story "w-well I'm a addict to um alcohol and c-cocaine" I say stuttering "hey hey it's okay remember I'm a addict too you have nothing to be ashamed of I'm here to help you get through this and love yourself" he says reassuring me "t-thanks I um I've been a addict for about 2 and a half years but my last night using my coke was laced and I woke up not k-knowing where I w-was and was really scared a-and called my mom saying I need help and h-here I am" I say looking down "how old are you?" He asked with a concerned look "21" I say meeting his eyes "whoa you're young I'm so sorry you had to go through that but I'm here so that's good" he says with a sweet smile.
We talk and eat for a while getting to know each other, things went super well and I think he's gonna make a good sponsor besides the fact he's stupid hot I really like his personality. 
We finish up and he goes to pay the bill (what a gentlemen) we walk out and exchange numbers "you call me whenever you need to I don't care if it's 4 am, I don't care if I'm at work or busy, if you feel like relapsing just call me and I'll take you out and get your mind off of it" he says with his hand on my shoulder, I felt like I could melt as his touch "t-thank you Colson I definitely will". We plan to meet up 3 times a week for 6 months and we hug goodbye. I know he's just my sponsor but I hope we can maybe build a friendship too. I thought as I drove home.

To be continued....

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