My happy ending (sad one )

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This is based off my happy ending by Avril Lavigne!! Enjoy:)))

Y/ns POV

I wake up to Colson stumbling into our room, it's damn 4 am I've been up worrying my ass off he never answered my calls or text I was so damn pissed "where have you been Colson?" Ask him in a bitchy tone "out." He says falling on the bed, he reeked of alcohol go figure, "I'm so damn tired of this Colson you can't even just call me to let me know you're okay?" I say even more pissed "what are you so mad for it's not like this is for REAL or anything" he said and I was stunned at what he just said "what do you mean? This isn't for REAL?" I say "I mean come on I'm famous now and you're just ordinary, it's not like this was ever gonna work out I mean I gotta be with someone who everyone knows, I was gonna end it I just didn't wanna deal with your bitching yet." He says and my heart shattered at his words "so what? This whole time you were just pretending?" I asked with a cracked voice "yea? We had a highschool fling I didn't think it would actually last this long" he said and I try holding back my tears, I took a deep breath and stayed calm "okay." I say calmly and start packing my bag not saying a word.
I finished packing up and went to go grab my cat then thought no no he's not gonna do this he doesn't mean this, I walk back up to him throwing a pillow at him to wake him up "what do you want now?" He bitches "can we just talk about this I mean last week you were telling me you wanted to marry me and I was the only girl you could ever want, like was it something I did?" I ask him trying to hold back my tears, "fuck y/n I don't wanna talk about this now just come sleep we can do this tomorrow" he says trying to go back to sleep "no Colson I'm out." I say and with that I leave without looking back.

Time skip!!!
Y/ns POV

it's been 3 months since me and colson broke up, he's literally everywhere he's became such a big hit and I see him living it up partying and all these girls, it seems like we never even existed. But we did. To me he's was everything I ever wanted, we were supposed to be forever that's what he always told me, I mean was he really just pretending this whole time? Or did something change? I just don't get it.
Every time I saw him or heard his music I thought back to our old memories and my heart broke each time more and more, it's like he doesn't even care that he broke me.

It was late at night and I was up crying and decided I wanted to call him so I pick up the phone seeing if he would even pick up. "Y/n?" He answered I was shocked that he did "h-hey" I say nervously "why are you calling me?" He asked sounding kinda annoyed "I I uh I just wanted to talk about this I mean it's not like we're dead" I say lowly "y/n you know how I feel I just don't want you anymore just get over it I have." He says and I just started bawling "WHY COLSON? You were EVERYTHING TO ME WE WERE MEANT TO BE FOREVER WHAT CHANGED?? WAS IT ME?" I yell sobbing "can you just stop? You don't mean anything to me anymore" he says and I wipe my tears "I just wanna know why. I just want a logical reason you can't just leave me hanging" I say calming down "shit y/n I just don't need you anymore I can't be tied down with a relationship" he says "well thanks for being there and thanks for acting like you gave a shit, thanks for telling me and making me feel like I was the only one, oh and thank you for always saying we had it all baby no one can compare to us." I tell him trying not to break again "y/n.." "OH and one more thing" I say interrupting him "thank you SO MUCH for watching as I fell thank you for taking my heart and crushing it and throwing it in the trash. I'm glad you get everything YOU ever wanted enjoy it. You'll get your wish and you'll never hear from me again it'll be as if I never existed. I just wanted to thank you for throwing me away goodbye Colson." "Y/n wait-" he says but I hung up the phone before he could speak.
I sat there and cried into one of his old shirts that still smelt like him knowing I'll never get to feel him again, I cried and cried til I finally cried myself to sleep.
Welp. So much for my happy ending.

Sorry guys I know this one was sad but I was listening to this song earlier and wanted to do a sad story... maybe there will be a second part where you do get your happy ending... let me know if you want it!!

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