Part 1 : A new beginning

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It's 7 PM. The sun is setting, casting a warm glow over the bustling city streets. Lusi and Aihan walk towards their apartment, the sound of traffic and distant chatter filling the air. Lusi looks furious, her footsteps heavy and determined, while Aihan is behind, her face is a mix of anxiety and resignation, walking slowly like a turtle. Finally, Lusi breaks the silence.

Lusi: Girl, it's been a month since you came to America. I've taken you to at least ten companies for interviews, and you're so picky about jobs. What's your excuse this time? That company was great.

Aihan: They said my CV isn't enough for them.

Lusi: Of course it isn't. What did you even write? You've got no work experience and no specific interests. Why would they hire you?

Aihan:I'm just being honest. I did mention working at a company in China for three months. I want a company to accept me as I am.

Lusi:And what did you wear? Corporate ladies don't wear childish dresses.

Aihan: I like this. It's comfortable, not like your boring business formal.

Lusi: It's not boring; it's professional. The world isn't your fantasy. Honesty doesn't always work. If you keep this up, you'll never find a job and will have to go back to China to marry that idiot Bao.

Aihan: Don't mention his name! I get angry whenever I hear it. I'm glad I finally escaped from him.

Lusi: Yeah, he's been stuck to you since high school. Always like a puppy, haha.

Aihan: He proposed to me at home with a bouquet in front of everyone! If I'd stayed a few more days, my parents would've forced me to marry him. He drives me nuts.

Lusi: I wish I'd been there! (laughs)

Aihan: I can't believe you're my best friend. Such emotional damage! (dramatically)

Lusi:My drama queen! Listen, I'll take you to one last company tomorrow. If you can't make it then...

Aihan: Fine, Ms. Hua. I'll try my best tomorrow. Just don't be angry.

Lusi: Okay, I'll forgive you this time. Treat me to coffee, then.

Aihan: Fine.

( Aihan and Lusi are in their small but cozy apartment. Lusi came to America four years ago and built a successful career through hard work and talent. Aihan, forced by her parents, recently joined her. It's already midnight, and Aihan is still awake, with the light on.)

Lusi:(lying in bed) Aihan, you should sleep early. Tomorrow's another job interview. What are you doing?

Aihan: Nothing important.

Lusi:Hmm, still looking at that photo? It's not even clear. Why can't you forget him?

Aihan: I don't know why. That summer was really special.

Lusi:Aihan's first love. Ouch, it ended so quickly. So sad...

Aihan: No, he wasn't my first love. We were just friends. (Blushes)

Lusi: Are you sure? I think there was more than friendship.

Aihan:Wh-what are you talking about? It was eight years ago. I'm pretty sure he's forgotten me.

Lusi:Maybe he has. Why don't you find him? He moved to America, right?

Aihan: (thinking) Well, she's not entirely wrong, but I don't think it'll work.

Lusi:Okay, girl. Live with your daydreams then. Good night.

Aihan: Yeah, good night. (turns off the light)


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