Part 4 : Mysterious feelings

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(Richard's POV)

It's 10 p.m. Richard is in the backyard, sitting on a chair. The backyard is quite big and beautiful, full of trees. A bracelet is in his hand. Richard is still thinking about last night.

(Flashback to Yesterday)

Richard waited for his girlfriend in Room 906. They rarely get to meet due to their strict schedules. He had decorated the room beautifully and told Alex to handle the ceremony in his stead. Amelia is Richard's business girlfriend, their relationship arranged by their fathers when they first joined the business. Sometimes Richard wonders if he has any real feelings for her, but he doesn't want to ruin anything. The sudden power outage surprises him, but he soon notices her arrival. She's wearing a long gown with her hair down, looking so pretty even in the dim light. Without thinking, he kisses her passionately. The sweet scent of her perfume and the feel of her lips make him feel something he's never felt before..he felt so connected to her in this moment. The moonlight made everything seem so surreal, and he felt like he was in a dream.He feels a rush of emotions. He's never felt this way before. It's a feeling he can't explain, but it's like a spark is being lit inside him. His heart is beating so fast and he's breathing heavily.When he releases the kiss, she doesn't even look at him and run away, he calls out, but the lights come back on. He steps out of the room and sees his girlfriend walking upstairs. Confused, he finds a bracelet on the ground. He picks it up.

(Present Day)

"Who was she?" he mumbled to himself.

(Alex came with two cups of coffee)

Alex:You are talking to yourself again? Bro, you should get married as soon as possible. I think you are so lonely. I feel so much tension for you.

Richard: Chill, bro! I am not lonely or anything. (Takes a sip of coffee)

Alex: Then tell me why you came home so early? Didn't you arrange a candlelight dinner for you and Ms. Dawson?

Richard: Yeah, I just came back early. I am just a little tired. That's it.

Alex:I don't know why you guys even date. And are you sure that you are tired only?

Richard: (smiled)Alex, you are really like mom. Always concern about everything. I think you got everything of her.

Alex:Yeah, but you got the visuals.



The Next Day

Richard came to the office a little early today. Hoping no one is in the office, he entered. He becomes shocked to see a girl there so early in the morning. She looks back at him. She is adorably cute with her little messy bunned hair, beautiful big eyes, rosy cheeks, and pink soft lips.She is wearing a knee-length flared skirt, eating bread and drinking coffee while typing something on her laptop.

Richard: (clears his throat)

Aihan:Good morning. (still eating the bread) Are you new here too? I haven't seen you before.Then, nice to meet you. I am Xia Aihan.

Richard:Nice to meet you too. So, what are you doing here so early in the morning? The office starts at 8, right?

Aihan: (scoffs) It's not my fault. Ms. Laila gave me a bunch of work to do. I couldn't finish it even though I worked all night. Oh, you may not know her. I'm telling you-stay away from her, or your life will turn into hell.

Richard: (chuckles) So, when did you join the office?

Aihan: Three days ago.

Richard: I see. And what were you saying about Ms. Laila?

Aihan: Oh yeah. She is the accounting manager. But she acts like the head of the office. Honestly, it's not her fault. It's the boss's fault.

Richard:(he raises eyebrows with confused looks) What did you mean by the boss's fault?

Aihan: I mean he has given too much freedom to Laila that she is acting like a brat now. Don't you think Mr. Richard is a little careless about his job? I mean, it's been three days already, but I haven't seen his face.

Richard: (A little smile spreads on his face. He is enjoying it, even though she talks negatively about him, he seems to enjoy the conversation) I think he is busy. Don't you think so?

Aihan: Still, I think he should come and check everything. Mr. Alex can't handle everything alone.

Richard: (still smiling, Alex helps him sometimes, but most of the time, Richard works alone) Yeah, you are right.(mocking tone).

Aihan: (takes a sip of coffee) Agh, I hate this coffee. I think they forgot to put sugar in it. I told them to add sugar. I will take my money back from them. Money doesn't grow on trees.

Richard:(chuckles) It's a great problem, right?

(Mia enters; she almost greeted Richard but he stops her with a gesture.)

Aihan: Yeah, all is Mr. Richard's fault.

(Hearing this, Mia's eyes widen, but Richard is still calm.)

Richard: So, what is his fault again?

(Mia tries to give Aihan some signals, but she doesn't understand.)

Aihan: I checked the canteen too. The whole canteen is full of black coffee. Why no sugar and milk? Why?

Richard: I think most office workers are on a diet, so they like their coffee that way.

Aihan: They should complain. If they don't, then I will complain. Oh, (takes another bread from her bag) do you want one? It's Chinese bread, very tasty.

Richard: (takes it) Thanks.

(Lusi enters.)

Lusi: Good morning, Mr. Richard.

Richard:Good morning, Miss.

Aihan:(coughs in surprise, looking very nervous) Mr. Richard?

Richard: (gives her a glass of water) Yes (looking into her eyes), I am Richard. Zhou Richard.

Aihan:(Aihan is so shocked. Richard is still looking into her eyes, offering her water. She takes the glass.)

Richard: (smirks) Thanks for the bread. Have a nice day guys.
Oh! Ms. Xia, meet me in my cabin.

(Richard walks away, spinning the key in the air.)

Lusi: Aihan, what did you do this time?

Aihan: (looking at the path) I did enough to get myself kicked out of the job.

Mia: I gave her signals, but she didn't even understand them.

Aihan: (crying tone) Goodbye, my job. I am gonna miss you...

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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