Part 3: The stranger of my heart

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(Aihan's pov)

Today is the grand celebration of the partnership between Starlight and the Imperial Company. It's also my second day on the job. I am just an ordinary office employee, whose life is just going on.  Yet, I feel anything but ordinary. Exhaustion weighs heavily on me as I stand before the grand gates of the ceremony hall. The event will start in less than an hour, and I am anxiously waiting for Lusi. Meeting her during work hours has become a challenge. Lusi holds a well-known position in the company, whereas I am still going through my trial period. Moreover, we belong to different departments. Finally, Lusi arrives, accompanied by Mia and Hayden.

Mia: Wow, Aihan. You look absolutely stunning in that gown.

Aihan:Thanks. I was a bit unsure if it would look good on me. It’s actually Lusi's gown.

Hayden:No, you look really beautiful. I mean, all three of you do.

Lusi: Aww, thank you, Hayden. You look quite handsome yourself.

Hayden:Thanks lusi, Shall we go inside?


We entered together. The venue is enormous, bustling with a plethora of businessmen. Everything is so fancy. Lusi and Mia had duties to attend to, leaving me alone with Hayden. The ceremony has already begun. Hayden is guiding me from the beginning since I don't have much idea about office works.

Hayden: Have you seen Miss Laila?

Aihan:I don't wanna see her actually. She’s made my life a nightmare  in just two days.

Hayden: (chuckling) Yeah, she gets on my nerves sometimes too.

Aihan:Yesterday, she made me send out so many letters, that I felt like I was working in a post office. And that’s not all.she constantly made me running errands, up and down stairs, doing the work of three people. She treats me like a donkey.

Hayden:(giggling) Don’t worry. I think she’ll ease up once Mr. Richard returns.

Aihan: I don't think so. She is so irritating.  She doesn’t even call me by my name, always calls me as ‘that other girl.’ If we were in China, I’d teach her a lesson.

Hayden:Try not to think about it. You’re still on your trial period, after all.

(Laila approaches them, and they both fall silent.)

Laila: Hey, Jayden.

Jayden:(Jayden waves reluctantly) Hi.

Laila: I need you to oversee Department Z. Understand?

Jayden: (nodding) Yes.

(Aihan secretly tries to run away )

Laila: And you, other girl. Where do you think you’re going?

Aihan:I’m not ‘other girl.’ My name is Aihan.

Laila: Yeah, yeah, whatever your name is. Go to Department D and prepare the gifts for the guests. Make sure everything is perfect.

(Laila leaves.)

Aihan:Sometimes, I just want to kick her in the ass.

Jayden: But for now, just take care of Department D. It’s upstairs in Room 906.

Aihan: Okay, see you later.

Jayden: See ya.

I walking the stairs, looking for the room. Why is it so quiet here? Suddenly, the power goes out. I look around; there’s no one else in sight. Laila always gives me the toughest tasks. I hate it. Oh, maybe that’s the room.

As I open the door, I notice it’s dimly lit, but moonlight streams in through the window. I step inside and sense someone else’s presence. Suddenly, he grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him. I am so shocked that I freeze. I can feel his hot breath on my neck. I can’t see him clearly, but I can tell he is very handsome and muscular.He is very tall in height. His breath has a sweet scent.He gently presses his lips against mine . I’ve never kissed anyone before, but this feels different, can't describe it in words. He finally breaks the kiss. I feel like my breath has stopped. My heart is beating like drum.I only noticed his expensive-looking watch. I start to run away. He must be confused too. The electricity returns, and I rush downstairs. I pass a girl on the stairs; our eyes meet briefly. I fled back to the ceremony hall, still breathing heavily. I take out my phone and see Jayden’s text:

I’m sorry for the misinformation. You were supposed to go to Room 609, not 906.


Lusi and Aihan are at home. They came back from the ceremony just now. Lucy noticed that Aihan is acting differently today.  Lusi changed the dress and came out of the washroom. Aihan is sitting on the chair. Looking like she is lost in deep thoughts.
Lusi : Aihan..
Aihan : (no answer)
Lusi : (scream) XIA AIHAN.....
Aihan : (jumped out) wh-what? Why are you screaming?
Lusi : where are you lost at?
Aihan : w-what are you t-talking about?I-I am not lost. I am fine.
Lusi : Aihan, never lie with best friend! I noticed that after you come from the upstairs you start acting differently.And where is your bracelet? Did you lose it? You didn't even eat. What's wrong with you?
Aihan : Yeah, I lost it somewhere. Don't worry it's not that expensive. Very common bracelet. And Let me tell you my problem (Take a deep breath) SOMEONE KISSED ME IN THE ROOM NO 906.
Lusi : w-what? Are you crazy? I know you are always crazy but not as crazy to kiss anyone. Who was he? Your secret boyfriend? 
Aihan : That's the problem. I don't know him. I didn't even see him clearly.
Lusi : (sighs) You are really strange. Why did you kiss him then?
Aihan : I don't know. It was so sudden that I couldn't even handle myself and ran away. I only noticed his watch.
Lusi : This crazy woman! Aihan.. Why didn't you scream then?(mocking tone) did that kiss?
Aihan : Yes
Lusi : what? You did? Aihan, are you sure? You didn't even see him.
Aihan : Maybe I didn't see him. But I feel something very different. I never felt that before. I..i felt like the time stopped there. And everything was so..
Lusi : And that drama queen starts her daydream again!
Aihan : I am not a drama queen.I think he mistook me as someone else.
Lusi : Do you want to find him?
Aihan : I want actually. I just want to see his face for once. Maybe I can't get him but he made me feel something which I never felt before. He is really special.
Lusi : what will happen if he is actually  an old man?  (Teasing tone)
Aihan: Don't talk shit. Think positive. I don't think he is an old man. His physical structure was so perfect.
Lusi : hmm..but nowadays, old men also keep them fit.
Aihan : Ahh.. You are so..
Lusi :  ok fine, then how are you gonna find him?
Aihan : I don't know.
Lusi : Well, only office assistants and office  VIPs can enter that building. So, I think he was from our office
Aihan : You think so?
Lusi : Yes. It has an eighty percent chance.
Aihan lays on the bad. Looking at the ceiling.
Lusi starts teasing her 'Aihan is in love. But don't know who he is!
Aihan : Shut up!
Lusi : oh Aihan's dream boy where are you!
Aihan : Lusi..shut up!
Lusi starts teasing her more.

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