cops are stupid

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     I don't think what I did was wrong...I mean technically it was self defense but maybe it was a little messed up. I've been bullied my whole life for being quiet and poor and it didn't effect me until I turned 17. When I turned 17 my anger issues came out and now I can't help but make a snarky comment or make fun of someone when they piss me off.

     I got bullied by this bitch named kayslyn for years and one day she got in my face and started yelling so I pulled out a knife and stabbed her. Maybe it wasn't right but she got too close and I got overwhelmed so I did what I had to do. Apparently cops don't think someone getting in someone else's face is a good reason to cause a stabbing but the bitch was pissing me off!

       Now I'm sitting in a boiling hot tube of death watching dry desert pass by while sweating my tits off. It doesn't help that I'm wearing shorts because now my legs are sticking to the seat and I'll have a red mark on my legs, embarrassing. My hands are cuffed and the sweaty,ugly, judgy cop is staring me down like I'm on my way to prison or something. The cuffs are too tight and I have red marks on my wrists now from moving my hands against them, I sigh and give up on trying to loosen the cuffs.

         I continue to look out the window and I see a bunch of holes in the dry ground and I furrow my eyebrows. It almost looks as if they're looking for something. As I continue to look out the window we pull into a town looking place but there are also 6 tents named by letter. As we park I see a bunch of boys. Just boys. Shit. They all are in orange jumpsuits almost like jail but they seem less comfortable. All of the boys stop and stare in either confusion or excitement.

        The cop grabs my arm and brings me to the front of the buss and taking off my cuffs, finally. I rub my wrists and the pig brings me to an office but the whole way perverted teenage boys check me out and whistle. I roll my eyes and I get sat in front of a very serious but kinda goofy looking man who is eating sunflower seeds.

         He looks at me confused and looks at the cop as if the dumbass knows why a girl was sent to an all boys camp. "My name is Mr sir and that is what you will call me, nothing else, am I clear?"

"Yes Mr sir." I say blank faced and kinda irritated.

"Good, this ain't no b- girl scout camp. I don't know why you were sent to a all boys camp but it was probably for a good reason, now follow me"

     Mr sir leads me to a room with clothes and boots, he hands me boots two small tank tops, and two orange jumpsuits.

"You have two pairs of clothes, one pair for work and one for relaxation. After three days you're relaxation clothes become your work clothes and your work clothes get washed, you understand?"

"Yes Mr sir" I say grabbing the boots and clothes. Suddenly a rat looking man with janky teeth comes in and I immediately get bad vibes.

"Vicky Hartman, you may have done some bad things but that doesn't make you a bad person. Follow me" I follow behind him and he yaps about something and I look around.

"Those are the showers. there's only one knob because theres only one temperature; cold-"

"Wait I have to shower with all of those boys?" I asked shocked and disgusted.

"You'll have to deal with it. You're going to be in D tent which stands for dilligants." He then calls over a tall,Mexican, boy. "This is Jose he'll be your mentor, if you have any questions ask him"

        I nod and they show me to the tent. When walk I can tell  'jose' is most definitely checking me out or looking at my ass, either way I start to get uncomfortable.

       When we get to the tent it's a full house, every bed except two are empty. There is a darker skinned boy with glasses, a bigger dark skinned boy, a country looking boy with a stick in his mouth, a sickly looking one, and a attractive blonde boy who looks like he got struck by lightning.

"Boys this is Vicky, she's now a part of the D tent. Be nice and like I say it's no labor to be nice to your neighbor." He walks out and all of the boys stare at me. jose walks up to me and starts to introduce me.

"Yo guys this is Vicky, Vicky I'm magnet, that" he points to the boy with glasses"is x-ray, that" he points to the bigger boy "is armpit, that" he points to the sickly looking one "is barfbag, and that" he points to the boy who looks like he was stuck by lightning "is zigzag, oh and the one all the way over there who is basically hiding is zero" he points to a younger kid who is dark skinned with curly hair.

          I akwardly wave and I find a completely empty bed to sit on. I see a few whisper and I get scared. Are they judging me? Are they talking about my body? What if they try doing what he did? What if they think I'm ugly? I begin to over think more and more until x ray starts a conversation.

"Yo girl, whatcha in for?"

"stabbing someone" I say bluntly.

     The boy's eyes widen and some roll there eyes.

"Like you could stab someone, at most you could give someone a black eye." Squid says, not believing me.

"Wanna find out?" I ask and all of the boys go 'ooooo'. Eventually when I stopped talking basically all of the boys left to go to the rec room except zero.

(A/N) First chapterrr. I hope it was at least okay 😅

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