I'm zigzags?

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(sorry for people who read the last one but I accidentally deleted it 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)

I sit with the d tent boys talking and fucking around like normal, except the new kid isn't here yet. I'm sitting with zigzag, definitely staring at his shirtless chest, with my legs over his. He puts a hand on my thigh above my knee and I blush slightly. Suddenly a gun shot rings out and zigzag runs to the window.

The others just stare at each other until another shot rings out. And zigzag turns to look at us.

"Mr sir shot a yellow spotted lizard!" All of the boys perk up and run to the window. I run to the window and push squid out of the way, he then pushes me to the floor.

"You ass swipe" I say standing up and pushing him into a bed and taking my place next to zigzag. We wat as Stanley walks back and comes into the tent.

"What color was it's blood?" Zigzag says while Walk up to him with crazy eyes.

"I-i couldn't tell" Stanley stutters out obviously scared, Zigzag smirks.

"Man I wish I would've seen it then....BAM!" He scares Stanley and he jumps a bit.

"You're lucky Mr sir shot it, if not you'd be in a hole" magnet says freaking him out even more.

"Did you know each one has exactly 11 spots?" Zigzag asks creepily.

"Yeah and if you get close enough to count em" squid gestures death and makes a sound. "dead"

Stanley swallows loudly, obviously scared. Armpit then speaks up.

"Look it's the lizards we're working for man, were building houses for them.  Yesterday I seen ten of em in one hole"

"Man we ain't working for no lizards. Like Mr sir says, were building for character." X ray says and I roll my eyes, Crossing my arms.

"You seriously don't believe that do you? I bet we're looking for treasure" I smirk and x ray scoffs.

"Yo zigzag, can you tell your girl she's being stupid" x ray says and I scoff, zigzag doesn't respond.

"Who said I was zigzags?" I say while putting my hands on my hips.

"It's obvious y'all like each other, get it over with and bang already" I scoff and hit x rays arm. Eventually another shot rings and we decide to sleep.

The thing is I can't sleep. I'm too busy thinking about what x ray said. I'm zigzags girl? Does zig like me like I like him? Is he lying? What if he does actually like me? I decide I need fresh air so I sneak out of the tent and sit on the steps.

After I sit for a couple minutes zigzag sits next to me. I look up at him, this time it's more awkward. He grabs my hand softly and looks I to my eyes.

"So about what x ray said...." I look down and now I'm scared. Does he not like me?

"I know I'm not yours, it was just a joke with x right? I totally get why you don't like me, it's fine because I totally don't like you-" I ramble on but I get interrupted by his arms on my waist and his lips on mine.

I freeze for a second before I grab his face softly and kiss back. His hands move from my waist to my ribs then to my shoulders to my neck then they tangle into my hair. I blush and move closer to him and tangle my fingers into his hair.

He moves one of his hands to my thigh and we both pull away. I rest my forehead against his, eyes still closed.

I'm zigzags, I smile to myself.

(A/N) This is even better than my last one lol, hopefully y'all liked it ❤️❤️

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