Chapter 3

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"Why do you look so anxious? "

I heard Didi ask Aliya in confusion as I glanced at her, furrowing my eyebrows.

"You know what's the matter?" she said, walking back and forth.

"I already told you to talk it out with them," I reminded her, taking a seat on her bed.

"When I try talk to them, I suddenly get nervous," She said, her tone a little downcast.

While I muttered, rolling my eyes. "She doesn't seem to get nervous while making boyfriends, knowing she's already tied to someone from childhood."

"Now what should I do?" She looked at both of us, and Didi and I exchanged glances before mentioning the impending engagement.

"No! You know how much I love Sahil," she said sadly, peering at her phone. Sahil her boyfriend

"You should have informed your parents before this engagement took place. They could have mediated with the groom's family," I said, feeling annoyed.

She always does this. From childhood, she never used to listen to anyone. If someone tried to advise her, she would get upset, refusing to eat or talk to anyone,

Everyone thought she would outgrow this habit as she matured, but it seems to have only intensified.

Suddenly, the door swung open with a loud, chaotic voice.

"Aliya Didi, you look so beautiful," she said in her overly sweet tone, causing Didi and me to exchange eye rolls.

She is conceited, believing she's the epitome of beauty and fashion. She constantly seeks attention, flaunting her appearance and belittling those she considers less stylish or attractive. Her behavior includes gossiping, manipulation, and using her looks to get what she wants, making her a challenging character for others to deal with. Here come yachi my aunt daughter

"I know, right? After all, I was and still am the prettiest in our whole family," she said, emphasizing 'was' and 'am', giving us another reason to roll our eyes.

"I guess I should leave. Mom is calling me," I said, getting up to exit her room.


"Gosh! If I had stayed a bit longer there, my eyes would have started hurting,"

I murmured, massaging my temples as I emerged from the room and strolled down the corridors.

Suddenly, a collision interrupted my thoughts. "Ouch! Who the-" My words caught in my throat as I gazed upon the Greek god before me.

"I'm sorry," he said, snapping me out of my reverie. I tried to respond but stumbled over my words, my gaze lingering on his captivating features.

As I attempted to regain my composure, my heel snagged on something, and I began to fall. With a startled cry, I shut my eyes, bracing for impact, but instead felt strong arms enveloping me.

"You can open your eyes," his voice reassured me. Slowly, I obeyed, shivers coursing through my body as I met his gaze, my eyes inadvertently tracing every contour of his face until they settled on his lips.

"You shouldn't hug and check out strangers, miss, especially not their lips," he teased, a smirk playing on his lips. Wide-eyed, I realized I had been cradled in his arms the entire time.

In a rush of embarrassment, I extricated myself from his grasp and fled without looking back.


Reyansh perspective:

I was discussing the repercussions of canceling today's meeting with my secretary when Mr. Gupta informed me that he no longer wished to pursue any deals with us. Fuming, I terminated the call.

"This is the first time deals have slipped from my hands just because of this engagement,"

I said, punching the sidewalk in frustration as I stalked through the corridors, consumed by frustration.

Suddenly, a collision jolted me from my thoughts, and as I turned to confront the perpetrator, my words faltered at the sight before me.

She was a vision, her beauty captivating me in an instant. "I-I'm sorry," I stammered, unknowingly, her gaze locking with mine.

Before she could respond, she stumbled, and I instinctively caught her, my heart racing inexplicably at the contact.

As she opened her eyes, I found myself lost in their depths, unable to look away.

Her innocent gaze met mine, and a rush of tenderness washed over me.

To my surprise, instead of recoiling, she scrutinized me, her gaze lingering on my lips. Unable to resist, I teased her gently, "You shouldn't hug and check out strangers, miss, especially not their lips."

As I spoke, she quickly regained her composure, pushing me away and fleeing, leaving me feeling strangely empty.

"Reyansh, you're losing it," I muttered to myself, shaking my head in disbelief. Yet, despite my protests, her image lingered in my mind, stirring emotions I couldn't


It was silent for a moment before the person burst out, 'The Great Reyansh Agarwal said sorry to a girl!' Wahhhh!! I could hear my secretary or my best friend screaming in disbelief.

Why did I even tell him? He wouldn't understand the emotions swirling inside me. Screw it.

I closed my eyes just to see her face in front of me, with her beautiful eyes glimmering.

When I opened my eyes, the irritation in my mind said loudly, 'Can you please shut up!'

'I will, but was she beautiful, huh?' he said in a teasing tone with a smirk before I could reply.

Just then, I heard Chachu's voice, and I turned back to find him. "Reyansh, you need to get ready fast for the engagement, and you're standing here," he said in a rush.

"Coming, Chachu," I replied, cutting the call abruptly and following Chachu

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ID : author_sidhii

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