Chapter 7

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As promised, here's another chapter. I hope you enjoy it. I won't say much more here, I know most of you won't read this,

but please 🙏 vote and comment.


Author POV:

There stood Mr. Ravi Agarwal with his wife and both sons with their wives. Seeing their presence, Swathi got up, pulling Avni tightly behind her.

"What happens, Akash beta and-- Shweta, Reyansh, Dadi were saying, sensing all the family members there, but her voice cut in the middle, seeing Avni and Swathi crying.

The Agarwal family was confused seeing tears in their eyes.

"Why are you crying, Swathi beta?" Shweta said, coming towards her.

"Don't feel pity on them, Badi ma, they deserve it," Geetanjali said.

"What do you mean by that?" This time Ravi said, Reyansh dadu.

"Because of her—-" Geetanjali was about to say but cut herself in the middle, looking at Avni and Swathi in hatred.

"Ravi uncle, I'll tell you this time," Yamika said, as she couldn't wait any longer to see Swathi being insulted, especially by the Agarwal family, as she was always jealous of Swathi.

"Because of Avni, our Aliya ran away from her engagement," hearing her words, now it was the Agarwal family whose eyes widened in shock and confusion.

"Are you hearing yourself?! What do you mean Aliya ran away?" Shweta said loudly, but everyone's heads hung down.

"Is this true, Akash!?" Ravi growled at him.

"Yes, uncle," Akash said, looking down.

"And you guys are telling us now!!? If your daughter was not ready for this alliance, then why didn't you tell us before!???" Ravi's anger was palpable.

"It's not like that, bade papa, my—my Aliya was ready for this alliance," Geetanjali said.

"If she was ready, then why did she run away at the last minute?" This time Adhir, Reyansh's father said, while his wife was just numb, not knowing what to say.

"Because Avni said her," Geetanjali said, looking at Avni.

"She manipulated my Aliya to run away," now the Agarwal family looked at Avni, who was shaking her head, tears falling.

"I--I didn't motiv--"

"Just shut up, Avni! Now, how much more do you want to embarrass us? Look at your mother, you should have thought before doing something that big," Yamika said, acting, but inside, she was dancing.

"Why--- why did you tell Aliya to run away, beta?" Suhana said, coming towards Avni.

"I --I --didn't, aunty, I s-swear, I just told her to foc--" this time Sagar cut her off.

"To focus on her career! What do you think, after marriage, Agarwal wouldn't have let her work, huh!!?" Sagar said.

Swathi was just hearing all this; she had no courage to say anything because she knew the mistake was her daughter's. What could she say? So, rather than hearing them, she remained quiet.

Everyone was saying something to her, except the Agarwals, who were just quiet, and Avni's cousins, sister, and Rakesh. Yachi and her mother were not leaving any chance to speak ill of Avni.

Avni was just hearing them, crying. It's not like she couldn't speak; she wanted to shout and tell the truth that she didn't say anything to Aliya, but she was quiet because she knew her family members wouldn't believe her and would scold her for lying. Now, she couldn't bear to hear any more; but for her mother's sake, she had to stay calm.

Digging her nails into her hands, it turned red
Ravi had enough.

"Shut up, everyone!!!" Hearing him, everyone was quiet.

"Aliya is not a child to come under anyone's words. You should know what's in your daughter's mind," but Bade pa—"

"Everyone is outside waiting for the engagement to take place; now what should we tell them? Huh!" Adhir  said Hearing him, everyone was quiet. Just then, Ravi said, "We can't cancel the engagement now!"

"But, Aliya ran away, how will this engagement happen?" Shweta said, looking at her husband in disbelief.

"We have to replace someone in place of Aliya," Ravi said.
Hearing him the Gad family was shock, but can't do anything
"But, dad, who will replace her?"

"If I hadn't promised my Dikshita to my friend's son, then I would have happily given her hand," Sagar said, trying to represent himself as a good person.

Looking at the situation and the chance, Yamika said immediately, walking towards Shweta.

"As it's getting late, and there's no one who will replace Aliya, so I don't have a problem giving my Yachi's hand to your grandson, aunty," Yamika said to sweta, making everyone look at her.

"Yami, what are you sayi--" Rakesh was about to say, but Yachi cut her father off.

"I'm ready, papa," she said, glaring at her father not to say anything.

Yamika glared at her husband but changed her expression to a smile, looking at Suhana.

"I know my Yachi is young for your son, but she isn't like Avni; my daughter is very intelligent."

Yachi came to her mother, smiling, putting her hair behind her ear, feeling shy.

"But, Yamika, my son is so old for your daughter," Yachi's smile dropped, but Yamika said again, "There's no problem for us; she has already completed her 12th. There's no need for her to study further, right, Yachi?"

"Yes, mom, I'm ready for marriage, aunty," Yachi said, looking at Suhana, but Suhana didn't like it.

In the 21st century, who wouldn't want to study more? She felt worried; she didn't like Yachi much.

But then Ravi said, "As time is running out, and we can't cancel the engagement, and I've already promised my friend Chandru to make his granddaughter my granddaughter-in-law. So, I thought of Aliya, but as she ran away, I want Kamath family's daughter as my granddaughter."

Ravi's words made Yamika and Yachi dance inside their minds, thinking that now she would be connected with the Agarwals; her daughter would be their daughter-in-law. Yachi was just imagining the richness she would enjoy, especially she will get Reyansh.

Others were not happy or sad; after all, the problem was going to be solved.

Avni just wanted to go home; she wanted nothing more. She wanted to cry so hard but couldn't.

Swathi had no expression; she was tired of everything.

But what Ravi said next made everyone's eyes widen.

"Swathi beta----" Ravi said, walking towards Swathi; she looked up at him in confusion.

"I want your daughter's hand for my grandson. I want Avni to be engaged to Reyansh!!!"

"What?!!!" It was Yamika.

"But because of Avni, today Aliya is not here, because of her, we all are in this problem, and you want her as our daughter-in-law?" Shweta said furiously, looking at her husband.

Chapter 6 and 7 were chapters I put a lot of thought into, from the lines to the drama.

I would love to hear your review about the Avni family and what you think about Reyansh's family.

Mostly, how do you think Reyansh is going to react?

Follow me on Instagram, guys!
My ID : author_sidhii.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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