A New Journey

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Luna:"you know what?"_smirks_

Alexander: _raises an eyebrow, intrigued_ "What?" _asks, his voice low and playful, encouraging her to share her thoughts_

_Leans in closer, his face inches from hers, his eyes sparkling with curiosity_ "Tell me, Luna. What's that mischievous grin about?"

_Teasingly_ "I hope it's something good. Maybe a secret plan to take over the world...or at least the office?"

_Winks_ "Spill the beans, Luna. I'm all ears!"

Luna:_wags her fingure signs him to come closer_

Alexander: _laughs and leans in closer, his face inches from hers_ "Ah, secrets, huh? Well, I'm all ears...or should I say, all lips?" _winks playfully_

_Gently takes her finger in his, his touch sending a spark of electricity through both of them_ "Tell me, Luna. What's the whisper-worthy news?"

_His voice drops to a whisper, his breath caressing her ear_ "Is it something that requires a secret handshake...or a secret kiss?" _teases, his eyes sparkling with mischief_

Luna:_whispers in his ear_"I love you..."

Alexander: _his eyes widen in surprise, his heart skips a beat_ "Luna..." _whispers back, his voice filled with emotion_

_His face inches closer, his lips almost touching hers_ "I love you too..." _breathes softly, his words sending shivers down her spine_

_His eyes lock onto hers, filled with adoration and affection_ "I've been wanting to hear that from you for so long..." _smiles tenderly, his heart overflowing with joy_

_Gently wraps his arms around her, pulling her into a warm embrace_ "You have no idea how much I care for you, Luna. You're the sunshine in my life..." _whispers, his lips brushing against her ear_

Luna:_whispers_"I.. Really love you.. I do...I dunno when but ..I do know that I love you with all of my heart...."

Alexander: _his eyes mist up, his heart overflowing with emotion_ "Oh, Luna..." _whispers, his voice trembling with joy_

_Holds her closer, his arms wrapping around her like a warm blanket_ "I love you too, with all of my heart and soul. I've never felt this way about anyone before..." _admits, his voice filled with vulnerability_

_His lips brush against her ear, sending shivers down her spine_ "You're the missing piece I never knew I needed, Luna. You make me whole..." _whispers, his words filled with conviction_

_Pulls back slightly, his eyes locking onto hers, filled with adoration_ "I promise to always cherish and support you, through thick and thin. Forever and always, my love..." _smiles, his heart full of love and devotion_

Luna:"it looks weird that.. you're my boss and I....-"

Alexander: _smiles softly, his eyes filled with understanding_ "Ah, Luna, don't worry about that. We'll figure it out, together. We'll make it work."

_Gently takes her hand, his fingers intertwining with hers_ "You're not just my employee, you're the woman I love. And I promise to support you, both in and out of the office."

_Chuckles_ "Besides, I think we've already proven that we can balance work and play quite well."

_Winks_ "And who knows, maybe one day we'll run the company together, side by side."

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