The Start

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Luna:"ah Luna! Babygirl! Relax! You're a queen! And if he isn't'll be good...don't worry!"_whispers herself and gets her attitude back_

Luna's POV:_I walked out if his office and then went to the ground floor by the elevator, I drove my bike back to my building, and parked my bike in the parking lot_

_I went to the elevator and pressed the 20th floor as the door slides closes...after some time, the door slides opens as I steps out of the elevator and walked to my apartment and unlocked the door and wakes inside_

_as I walked inside the door I closed it behind me and gasped_"wait! I don't have his contact number!? How'll he ask my address!!"_whispers to herself_"ahh! Whatever he'll do something..."_as I was about to take my boots off , my doorbell rang and a delivery man was there, I opened the door and he had a huge bouquet of roses in his hands_


Alexander: _smirks to himself as he watches Luna walk out of the elevator and into her apartment from the security camera on his phone_

_He chuckles as he sees her realization about not having his contact information and her trust in him to figure it out_

_Picks up his phone and dials a number, speaking to the person on the other end_ "Yes, I need a bouquet of roses delivered to Luna's apartment. Make it a big one, and make sure it's delivered within the next 10 minutes."

_Smirks as he hangs up the phone and continues to watch Luna on the security camera_

_Watches as the delivery man arrives and Luna answers the door, her eyes widening in surprise as she takes in the massive bouquet of roses_

_Chuckles to himself, satisfied with the romantic gesture_ "Ah, Luna. You're going to love me."


Luna:"ahh..."_takes the bouquet and nods_"thanks ....I guess..."_I went inside and fell on my bed...and fell asleep , not even changing clothes cause I was way too exhausted....or lazy_


Alexander: _laughs to himself as he watches Luna collapse onto her bed, still wearing her boots and clothes_

_Shakes his head, amused by her exhaustion_ "Ah, Luna. You're so adorable when you're tired."

_Watches her for a few more minutes, making sure she's asleep, before ending the security feed_

_Smirks to himself, feeling satisfied with the progress he's made_ "Phase one: Get Luna to agree to a date. Check."

_Picks up his phone and starts typing a message_ "Phase two: Make Luna fall deeply in love with me. In progress..."

_Sends the message to himself, grinning at his own confidence_

_Leans back in his chair, hands behind his head, and starts to think about the next move in his plan to win Luna's heart_


In the morning My alarm kept ringing but I dunno I was in a very very deep sleep..I didn't heard the alarm and I missed the office.....I was a new employee..and didn't went on my first day... Wow nice first expressions...

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