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gonna list the songs i listened to while writing each chapter in case u wanna listen along :3

Why Didn't You Stop Me - Mitski
The Everlasting Gaze - Smashing Pumpkins
I Don't Smoke - Mitski
Diet Mountain Dew - Lana Del Ray
Sun Doesn't Rise - Mushroomhead
The End - Lil Uzi Very, Baby Metal
Gigantic - Pixies

You woke up to your mother shaking you awake
"Y/N! Y/N! Get up! You're going to be late." She yelled in your ear.
"Late to what..?" you grumbled back, confused.

"The U.A Entrance Exams!" Your mother shouted once more before leaving and closing the door to your room.
"That's today?!" You immediately sat up and began getting ready. You didn't want to be running late.
You jumped in the shower and washed your hair and body before quickly getting out and getting dressed. You brushed your teeth, brushed and styled your h/c hair, and grabbed something to eat.

You quickly rushed out of the door, eager to not miss your bus. Luckily, you made it in time.  You were now standing before the huge U.A building. You wore a warm smile on your face and began walking up towards the building.

Once inside, you took a seat in the large auditorium, hoping no one else would sit near you. But since the auditorium was already packed full of students, someone had to sit next to you. It was a boy with green hair who seemed extremely nervous. He turned to you and smiled.
"H-Hi there!" He stuttered.
You really weren't in the mood to have a conversation but you wanted to seem friendly.

"Hey. Good luck today." You ended the conversation quickly. You need to be focused and prepared for the entrance exam. The boy nodded back to you.

Suddenly the stage before you lit up and the pro hero, Present Mic showed up on stage. He quickly explained the rules and overall premise of the entrance exam.
Everyone was assigned to different battle areas.
The green haired boy next to you spoke
"Looks like we got different areas. Guess i'll cya."

"Ah, I'm afraid so. Goodbye." You replied as you sat up to get escorted to your assigned battle area.

Once you arrived, you noticed a couple of people who stuck out to you. A purple haired girl with what looked to be a headphone jack coming from her ears. As well as a short purple haired boy who had balls in his hair. Soon, the exam began and everyone started rushing through the large door. You quickly phased through everyone to get ahead of them.

Suddenly, a large robot crashed in front of you. You quickly made yourself turn invisible so the robot couldn't detect you. You ran up its back onto its head and crushed it with a kick.
"First point!" You shouted as you jumped down, eager to find another robot. Suddenly someone touched your shoulder as they ran by. You watched the person who touched you. It seemed to be a blonde guy.

"Nice quirk. Mind if i borrow it ghost girl?" He shouted and ran away.

"What.. does that even mean? Anyways, i'm getting distracted and running out of time." You quickly got back to fighting nearby robots, racking up a total of 33 points by the time the exam ended.
You were panting, with your hands on your knees.


"Y/N! Y/N! Your letter came!" Your mother rushed in your room with a white letter in her hand. Your eyes sparkled as you quickly grabbed the letter from her hand, tearing it open.

suddenly, a hologram of All Might appeared.
"Hello Y/N L/N! I'm here to proudly inform you, that you not only passed the written test and entrance exam, but you placed third overall! I'm so proud of you, L/N!" The hologram then clicked off and you excitingly hugged your mother and giggled.

Ghost Girl / Monoma x Reader Y/N // Enemies to LoverWhere stories live. Discover now