2 ; HOME

6 2 0

Dry Hands - C418
Crybaby - Melanie Martinez
Sippy Cup - Melanie Martinez
Pity Party - Melanie Martinez
Tag, You're It - Melanie Martinez

You woke up laying in a soft white bed. Your eyes fluttered open, and the first thing you saw was Monoma. Your eyes widened, and then your body tensed in anger.

"Why am I here? What happened? Why are you here?" You began questioning the blonde headed boy in front of you.

"Calm down, jeez. You passed out after I won in our practice today. I guess you really are just that weak." Monoma smirked.

You scoffed at his remark, "You didn't answer my last question."

"Vlad and Aizawa made me take you here, since I was the one who caused you to pass out." He replied.

You remained quite, your headache still throbbing.
"So you're awake now, I guess that means I can go." Monoma said, standing from his chair.

"Wait!-" You cut yourself off, embarrassed that you were about to ask him to stay with you.
You looked back towards you, a smirk on his face.
"What? Were you really expecting me to waste precious class time on someone like you." He said with a smile on his face. He turned back around and walked towards the door. "You're of no used to me anyway. You're too weak to compete as a real hero. Not sure how you even got into UA." He laughed as he left the medical office.

Your blood boiled from anger, but you didn't say anything back, too afraid of what might happen.
You got up from the bed you rested on and walked around the office. You decided you spent enough time in the recovery room, so you left to go back to class.

Once you made it back to class, there was only a few minutes left before lunch, so you patiently waited at your seat for the bell to ring.


"Hey L/N. You feeling better?" The girl with black hair who you saw earlier rushed over to you as soon as the bell rang. Mina followed her.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Thank you for helping me." You kindly said.

"It's no problem! I'm Momo Yaoyorozu. I hope we can be friends." She smiled as she held her hands together. You nodded back with a smile on your face. You honestly, we're very surprised to have made not one, but two friends on your first day. You are the quite and shy type.

"Let's hurry to lunch! I'm hungry.." As Mina said that, her stomach grumbled and all three of you head to the cafeteria.

You, Mina, Yaoyorozu, A red haired boy, a yellow haired boy with a black streak in his hair, and a girl with purple hair sat together at lunch, talking about your classes, quirks, and what not.
You were happy you already had so many people to talk to. You always struggled making friends and you felt like it was a miracle that you fit in so well.

The bell for the final class of the day rang and everyone quickly got out of their seats and rushed towards the door. You personally took your time getting your things together. You wanted to spend as little time away from home as possible.
From your knowledge, your father would be home for the week.
He often is away due to what he claims to be work purposes. Whenever he was home, your house recked with havoc. You were in no mood to deal with him at the moment.

"Hey Y/N. Are you alright? You have a distressed expression on your face." Mina walked towards you as you finished putting your belongings in your bag.

"Huh? Oh.. Uh yea i'm okay. Thanks for asking." You snapped out of your thoughts and answered her question.

"Hmm.. alright. Well, would you like to walk home together?" Mina asked. You took the bus home, since your house was pretty far away. But you really didn't want to be home, so you accepted her offer.

"Yeah sure." You swung your bag over your shoulder and you both began walking out of the classroom.
You and Mina talked for a majority of the time there.

"Yeah, that Monoma kid is an absolute jerk." Mina pointed out as you both were talking about your training.

"Yeah.. I guess." You replied and continued walking.

Soon you made it home. You waved goodbye to your friend and walked up to the front door of your house. Your hand griped the door knob and you closed your eyes and sighed before opening the door.

You scanned the living room and kitchen and you didn't see your father at all. A breath, that you didn't know you were holding, escaped your mouth. Then, suddenly, you heard your father's booming voice from upstairs.

"Y/N!" He shouted. You jumped from the sudden noise.

"Yes sir." You replied and walking up stairs to him.

"What took you so long to get home." He demanded. He appeared to be drunk.

"My bus was late, sir." You lied. You knew if he found out you walked with a friend home, you would be grounded for a while.

He grunted in response and went back to whatever he was doing before. You wandered back out into the hallway and quickly walked to your room, wondering where your mother was.
You quickly shut and locked your door.
You decided to take a quick shower, so you started warming up the water. You got in the warm water and washed your hair and body.
Once you got out, you put on some clean clothes, and dried your hair. As you were starting to walk from the bathroom back to your bedroom, your drunk father stumbled out of his room.

"Y/N! Make me dinner!" He shouted at you.

"Where is mom?" You asked in response.

"Why do you ask so many damn questions? Just go make me food!" He yelled, louder than before.
You apparently took too long to respond and he slapped you in the face, causing a large red mark to appear on your face

After that, you quickly ran to the kitchen and began making rice and curry for your father.

You laid in bed that night sobbing nonstop. You just wanted all of this to be over with. You couldn't stand another six days of this man in the house.

You woke up for school the next morning and yawned and stretched. You quietly walked outside your door and downstairs and noticed your father passed out on the couch. You quietly walked back to your room as you began getting ready.

You decided to put on makeup on your face today to cover up the slap mark that was still burned into your face thanks to your father. You sighed and silently crept downstairs and out the front door to get on your bus to school.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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Ghost Girl / Monoma x Reader Y/N // Enemies to LoverWhere stories live. Discover now