Chapter 2

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'So how's thing in Sheffield? It's pretty dull isn't it.' said John. He was right though. After moving from central London to Sheffield two weeks ago it hasn't been really eventful. We moved right in the middle of the countryside so little Zoey could have room to play but I guess that wasn't the only reason.

'Nothing to report mate,' I said. 'How's everything in London?'

'Not too bad, all the lads said that they miss your big head and the team won't be the same without your fat ass there.'

That's true I guess. When I lived in London I was part of our school rugby team I played in mid-field. After winter break ended I was supposed to be going with my team up to Birmingham for the quarter finals but when dad got the job here we had to move as soon as possible.

'But you got to tell me,' he said. 'Any hot birds?' I laughed. 'Well our neighbours' hens had laid six eggs so probably soon enough.'

'You're so weird' said John. I could just imagine him looking down at his phone and

rolling his eyes.

'Still not over Alice, yeah?' he said.

I tensed up, Alice is.....was my girlfriend at school in London. We had been going out for three months. But when I told her I was moving out here she broke up with me without hesitation. I didn't even get an explanation! Did all girls do that? I ended up thinking I was probably just being a wimp so I didn't talk to her ever since.

'Of course I'm over Alice!' I said a bit too harshly. 'Alright! Calm down Marcus' said John, I could hear him snickering down the phone and I wanted to throw my own phone at the wall. But I knew that a)I wouldn't have hurt him and b) I would have just messed up my phone.

'Anyway John I have to go' I said. 'Alright' he said. 'Call me when you have finished crying in your pillow okay?' he said jokingly. 'Okay.' I said and hung up.

I lied down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. The old paint on the ceiling was chipping and was falling on to my bed. The house was so old and stupid. Mum and Dad didn't have much money to buy even a half decent place so we were left with this hellhole.

It was a small white bungalow with a red door. On the inside of the house there was a small

living room and joint kitchen. The living room could just about fit two couches, a coffee table and a TV. The kitchen had a stove, fridge, microwave and a couple of cupboards. There was also a long dark hallway with a broken light dangling in tgh. Zoey and I made up a game to see who could get to their room the quickest. We always made obstacle courses along the way; like Zoey's stuffed toys or my trainers. As Zoey was only 5, I made sure she won every time we played it so she wouldn't get upset if I won. I made up the game shortly after we moved here. Zoey was already really scared of the dark and the freaken spooked out hallway made it worse. At least now she wasn't as scared. I wish my fears could fade away as easy as hers does.

There are three bedrooms in our house. Mine, Zoey's and our parents. Mum and Dad said that once Dad's job picked up we would move to a nicer home. Whether they could keep that promise or not I will never know.

I got up off my bed and took out my laptop. I logged onto Facebook and started scrolling down my feed. There was a lot of farewell pictures from all my friends. 'Have a great time in Sheffield Marcus' and 'Miss your snobby head in school mate' a lot of them said. I smiled and answered back as many as I could find.

I then took a deep breath and went onto Alice's

profile. Single was written in her status. Wow. I thought. She must be very proud of herself now. I scrolled down through her pictures. Great! Now you're the stalker ex-boyfriend. I looked through her pictures and found that pictures that were uploaded from the 30th of August to the 7th of December. All the pictures I was in. I scrolled back up to the top of the page. She was after posting something new. It was a photo and quote. It was a picture of a girl's back looking at a sunset. The quote below said:

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