Chapter 4

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The girl was tall, with long,black curly hair. She was wearing a pink flyd t-shirt, green cardigan and ripped, black jeans. She looked around fifteen or sixteen. I watched as she made her way to the counter. She turned and our eyes locked for a split second. She blushed and turned away. I smiled to myself.

She then saluted Ms. Cranky pants and chatted to her for a while until she took a seat near where I was sitting. I took my phone out to look busy , sneaking glances every once and a while. Her skin was ever so slightly tanned and she had piercing blue eyes. She reached into her bag next to the chair. She pulled out a small book and opened it. To Kill A Mockingbird. It read. That was one of my favourite novels. I took a deep breath and spoke.

'What part are you on?' I asked.

She looked up at me questioningly, closing her book.

'Sorry?' she asked.

'What part are you on?' I repeated.

'Tom's first day of trial.' She said quietly.

I nodded and looked down at the book.

'Trust me it gets more exciting the further you go into the book.' I said.

'Well I would be further in the book if you hadn't interrupted me.' She teased.

I laughed and Ms.Cranky-Pants marched over to my table and plonked my cup of coffee with a clunk. 'Thanks.' I said looking up at her. She huffed at me and turned to book girl.

'So have any plans before you get back to school.' She chirped sweetly. Wow. She really is a different person around book girl. Book girl smiled.

'No I'll probably just help my dad around on the farm.' She replied.

'Very well.' said Ms.Cranky-Pants. 'But if you ever want to help out around the café your more than welcome to.'

'Thanks Lizzy, I'd love to.'

Ms. Cranky-Pants, now known as Lizzy walked back to the counter greeting a couple that just walked inside.

'So,' I said. 'Do you come here often?' O my god of course she does stupid!

'Yeah, see that woman behind the counter?

That's Lizzy my aunt.' She answered.

I nodded and took a sip of my coffee. The taste was sharp I squirmed and put the cup down onto the coffee table. Book girl started to laugh. My face went on fire.

'What?' I said trying to hide my embarrassment.

'Oh nothing.' She giggled. 'It's just my aunt is a lovely person but she makes a shit cup of coffee. You're better off with a thick, jelly like cup of tea.'

I smiled and reached my hand out for her to shake it.

'I'm Marcus.' I said. Book girl looked at my hand for a second and then shook it.

'Lily.' she said.

Her hands stayed grasped in mine for a couple of seconds until I heard my phone beep. I let go and took my phone out of my pocket. It was my mum.

Dinner is ready. Be home in 10 minutes.

Of course.

'Sorry, I have to go.' I said. Getting up to leave.

'You will be back soon though won't you?' she said eagerly.

I chuckled. 'Yeah, maybe I'll talk to you over

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