Downhill part 2

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Yn arrives back to the ski resort as Yn sees Kim parents with a sad look

Yn:what's wrong you to why so down

James:Kim doesn't want to embarrassed by us so we're keeping our distance

Yn:damn it kim she shouldn't care be embarrassed about you to and it's Bonnie fault that she called you to she just wants to embarrass Kim and take pictures of it in the year book

Ann:oh I see Kim point we were her age when our parents embarrassed us time to time

Yn:to me I wouldn't care I'll be happy that my parents loved me but there's no such thing as a happy family to me


Yn:I'm going to be honest my parents played favorites to my younger brother I don't know why I never did anything wrong or bad never got in trouble so I just pretend like I had a happy family but throughout the years I stopped pretending and just hated my family with a passion

Ann:Yn I'm so sorry

James:was that why you went over to our place and Ron place over the years

Yn:yes even though they feed me and gave me clothes they never did anything to love me hugs,comfort,appreciated me in my hard work so I just gave up on them

James:if we talked to them maybe-

Yn:they won't listen to you mr possible their to rich folk to pay attention if something bad happens to them I wouldn't be sad for it be

Ann:Yn don't say that

Yn:I'm sorry but that's how I feel about them

James:have you thought of going to therapy with your family

Yn:I suggest years ago but they didn't listen I even yelled just get there attention still didn't work

Ann:who are your parents anyway sweetheart

Yn:you know Martin smarty

James:the owner of those smarty malls

Yn:yeah he' dad

Ann:he's your dad

Yn:yes he is but I wish he wasn't

James:and your mother

Yn:just a military captain

Ann:Yn you have to understand that they have responsibilities

Yn:I understand they have jobs but they have time to spend on my little brother but not me missed birthdays,vacations,family gatherings,Christmas etc it's favoritism to my brother but not to me

Ann:oh Yn I'm sorry

Yn:thanks but I need to find Kim

Yn goes to find Kim while mr barkin and Ron try to find the snowbeast while walking around they heard something coming from the trees it reveals to be a dog

Barkin:oh it's just a dog hey pup what are you doing out here

Barkin goes to grab the dog but reveals its crab claws and feet as it was a fusion of a dog body and crab claws and legs

Ron:now that's a mixed breed

Barkin goes to take the picture of the dog till the ground started shaking as it reveals to be the creature mixed rhino with bunny


Amy:no you naughty beasts you shouldn't have run off like that you had mommy worried

Ron:Amy in the nick of time you tamed the beast you saved me

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