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(⚠️ Smut a head! Please skip if you don't want to read smut ⚠️)

I woke up looking beside me and Joost was no where to be seen. I quickly called out for Joost but there was no answer. Getting up i walked downstairs and found Joost sulking on the couch.

I made my way to Joost and sat down next to him. His eyes were red and puffy like he was crying the whole night. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him in my arms.

"What's wrong sweetie..?" I sighed while hugging Joost. Suddenly he broke down crying onto me as he hugged me tightly.

"I-I saw them" Joost cried out loud as i held onto him even tighter as i realized what he meant.

"Shh it's okay.. you don't need to tell me what happend but just to let you know i'm here.. you're not alone Joost" I mumbled giving Joost some kisses on top of his head.

After a while Joost began to calm down. I knew that everyday Joost misses his parents and there's nothing i can really do about it. It makes me sad to even think about the dream Joost has seen. The dream must have been really devastating to him since he is like this.

"Did you get any sleep?" I asked looking down at Joost. Joost shook his head as he looked up at me.

"Alrighty.. well try to get some sleep please baby? We can do something nice today later if you get some rest now" I suggested. Joost gave me an soft smile and went upstairs going into his room.

I got up and sighed stretching my limbs. I decided to make a quick visit at my own place picking up some clothes, so i took Joost's car keys and got out.

Remembering that my old clothes were at Aggu's place i knew that i needed to pick them up one day, but not now since Joost isn't with me. I drove to my place and packed some clothes and drove back to Joost's place. I had changed my clothes a little i was wearing a skirt and a matching tank top.

I placed my stuff on the couch for now since i didn't want to disturb Joost. It was now 5PM and Joost was still asleep. It was darker outside so i decided to light up some candles around to make some comfort. The house really was nice and warm looking which made me feel really comfy and nice.

I was in the kitchen leaning against the counter top looking outside minding my own business. Suddenly i could feel big hands cup my ass and give it a light squeeze as the hands made their way up to my waist. I knew it was Joost from his scent, a smile formed up on my face as i felt Joost touch me a little.

I decided to move a little backwards so i was pressed against Joost. My ass was perfectly in front of Joost's crotch touching each other. I bit my lip as i realized that Joost was getting harder. Hearing Joost groan as i backed like that. I smirked as i knew the effect i was having on him.

Moving my head backwards i gave Joost some space from my neck so he could have an easy access to kiss my neck. Joost placed small kisses on my neck and also bit slightly on my neck leaving hickeys all over my neck. I grind slightly in front of Joost making him groan in pleasure as his grip on my hips tightened.

"Gosh Y/n the effect you have on me.. the way you look right now makes me want to do things to you that you will never forget.. I will make this night unforgettable to you..." Joost murmured as he whispered the words in my ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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