Chapter one

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Nothing I Wouldn't Do - Part 1

Mallory: * laying on her bed doing homework *
Stokes: * knocks on the door *
Mallory: * takes off her ear buds * come in
Stokes: hey kiddo
Mallory: hey Stokes what's up
Stokes: I'm just checking up on you to see if you're doing okay
Mallory: I'm alright, just doing a lot of homework that is due tomorrow
Stokes: okay well don't stay up too late
Mallory: I won't I promise
Stokes: night Mallory
Mallory: * smiles a little * night Stokes
Stokes: * walks away *
Mallory: * grabs her phone and starts texting *

Mallory: hey Jase
Jase: hey what are you doing right now
Mallory: nothing much just doing homework, why
Jase: There's going to be a party tonight near the warehouse, want to come
Mallory: yeah that'd be nice, time to get some time with you and some friends
Jase: be here in 20
Mallory: sure thing boo

Mallory: * stands up and puts on her favorite
outfit *

Mallory: * checks herself in the mirror and looks at two pictures beside her *

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Mallory: * checks herself in the mirror and looks at two pictures beside her *

Mallory: I miss you mom and dadJase: * throws pebbles on her window *Mallory: * opens her window and climbs over * hey stranger Jase: hey beautiful Mallory: * smile's and kisses him *Jase: * kisses back *Mallory: so are you ready to go Jase: oh he...

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Mallory: I miss you mom and dad
Jase: * throws pebbles on her window *
Mallory: * opens her window and climbs over *
hey stranger
Jase: hey beautiful
Mallory: * smile's and kisses him *
Jase: * kisses back *
Mallory: so are you ready to go
Jase: oh hell yeah, I wanna dance with my beautiful sexy girlfriend
Mallory: * laughing * okay let's go

At the Party

It was about twelve in the morning now and there
were a bunch of drunk teenagers surrounding
them. Music was blasting through the big club

Jase & Mallory: * dancing *
Jase: * spins her around *
Mallory: * laughing *
Jase: * kisses her *
Mallory: * kisses back *
Unknown guy: MORE PIZZA!!!
Jase & Mallory: * pulls away *
Jase: wanna gets some pizza
Mallory: sure I'm a little hungry anyway
Jase: alright then

Suddenly, screams filled their ears and gunshots

Mallory: what the hell was that
Jase: I don't know
Jase & Mallory: * walks in the warehouse and see's dead bodies on the floor *
Mallory: * covers her mouth * oh my god
Jase: who would do this
Mallory: I don't know, I'm gonna call Stokes
Jase: good idea
Mallory: * about to pull out her phone *
????: oh you're not calling anyone
Jase & Mallory: * looks around *
Mallory: who said that, who's there
Smurf, Andrew & Baz: * comes out *
Mallory: * breathes heavily * Jase
Jase: * pulls her behind him * who the fucking hell are you guys
Smurf: oh I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Smurf
Andrew: my name is Andrew but everyone here calls me Pope
Baz: and my name is Baz, Smurf's right hand man
Jase: what do you want with us
Smurf: oh nothing we're just looking for someone that we once knew a long time ago and never got the chance to know her because someone got full custody of her
Mallory: ( who the hell is she talking about )
Baz: hey Smurf you might wanna take a closer look at this girl right here
Smurf: why is that
Baz: because she might be a McCann
Mallory: * eyes widened *
Andrew: wait what
Baz: I mean just look at her, she looks just like Julia and Jason
Smurf: what's your name kid
Jase: why do you want to know her name
Andrew: she wasn't talking to you kid
Smurf: I said what is your name
Mallory: Mallory...Mallory Rose McCann
Andrew: * shocked * oh my god
Baz: holy shit
Smurf: * walks closer to her * Mallory
Jase: don't come any closer
Andrew: * pushes him *
Justin: * falls to the ground *
Mallory: Jase
Jase: * tries to stand up *
Baz: * points the gun at him * stay down
Jase: * gulps a little *
Smurf: look how big you are
Mallory: how do you know me
Smurf: you don't remember me
Mallory: should I
Smurf: I knew your parents
Mallory: how do you know my parents
Smurf: because your mom was my daughter and your dad was her boyfriend
Andrew: and she was my twin sister
Baz: and she was my friend
Mallory: wait if you are my mothers mom, you are her brother and her friend that means...
Smurf: yes Mallory...I'm your grandma
Andrew: and we're your Uncles
Mallory: oh my god you two were the ones in the interrogation room with my dad
Smurf: that's right
Mallory: what do you want with me
Andrew: we're taking you home with us because we want you to be with your real family
Jase: you're not taking her nowhere
Baz: * punches him * you shut the hell up
Mallory: don't hurt him
Jase: * spits out blood from his mouth *
Andrew: what should we do, mom
Smurf: we're gonna take her home with us
Baz: and what about this guy over who keep his mouth fucking shut
Jase: * glares at him *
Smurf: we'll take him with us as well...we might need more people to do more jobs
Jase & Mallory: * looks at each other *

That was chapter one of Nothing I Wouldn't Do
I hope you enjoyed it
See you in the next chapter

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