Chapter four

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Nothing I Wouldn't Do - Part 4

Baz: Smurf this is crazy you know that
Smurf: yes I know that Baz
Andrew: so why are we doing this, mom
Smurf: because this will bring a lot of power for all of us, Andrew
Jase: ( power huh, that's sounds stupid )
Mallory: what about the uhh profits
Smurf, Andrew & Baz: * looks at her *
Jase: well are you gonna answer her question or are you guys are gonna stare at her
Smurf: * clears her throat * well I said we'd gain control over the distribution over—
Jase: that doesn't answer the fucking question
Mallory: Jase please
Baz: look kid you are not getting the point, Smurf is talking about power or me or you two
Jase: We're just saying how much in percent would go to your business and for us
Smurf: we wouldn't have to distribute as in beginning, when I had thought is that we should re-invest
Mallory: well then there's not even a point in listening further
Smurf: but Mallory please try to understand, I'm not trying merge our business here
Jase: you mean your business Smurf, it's not our business because we're just two kids who got abducted at a party
Baz: hey you better watch your tongue boy
Jase: and you better think about what are you guys doing cause this a suicidal mission
Andrew: hey you better back up
Jase: * scoffs * no we're not going to do this shit
Mallory: he's right...we're just kids
Smurf: your parents were also kids when they did this before they got together and had you
Mallory: don't you dare bring my mom and dad into this bullshit
Smurf: well then you and your boyfriend are gonna do exactly what we tell you to do, understand
Mallory: * tries to hold back tears * yes
Smurf: good, we're leaving in a few hours
Jase & Mallory: * walks away *
Andrew: you know you shouldn't be too hard on Jase and Mallory, mom
Smurf: I know but this is how we run in the family
Baz: even though she looks like Julia, it's not going to bring her back
Smurf: * clenches her jaw *

Meanwhile with Jase & Mallory

Mallory: * sitting on the bed * I mean what the hell is she thinking about, we're just I know how mom felt like
Jase: * sits next to her * I know babe
Mallory: we have to get out of here, Jase or else it'll get worse if we don't escape
Jase: that takes time, Mallory and besides where the hell would we go
Mallory: * stands up * I don't know but we have to get out of here Jase
Jase: with what plan Mallory
Mallory: * groans and knocks down some stuff on the desk *

Suddenly a wooden box and a book falls on the ground

Mallory: * kneels down and grabs it * huhJase: who's book and box is thatMallory: I don't knowJase: wait look there's a name under the boxMallory: * looks under the box and gasp *

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Mallory: * kneels down and grabs it * huh
Jase: who's book and box is that
Mallory: I don't know
Jase: wait look there's a name under the box
Mallory: * looks under the box and gasp *

Mallory: * kneels down and grabs it * huhJase: who's book and box is thatMallory: I don't knowJase: wait look there's a name under the boxMallory: * looks under the box and gasp *

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Jase: does this belong to...
Mallory: belongs to my mom which means this box probably belongs to her as well
Jase: can you open it
Mallory: I can't there's a lock and we need a code
Jase: damn it
Mallory: * opens the book and starts reading *
" yesterday it was my birthday and Baz decided to take me and my twin brother to go bowling and once we walked in, Baz noticed that someone was staring at me and when I turned around I saw him...his name is Jason McCann and oh boy wasn't he handsome also it was his birthday as well so we're both the same age, Baz told me about his history and his brother because there was this guys who used to work with my parents doing jobs with them and making bombs also they were close friends then few years later he took Jason and his brother in, I was getting a little thirsty after hearing this story and went to the soda fountain and that's when he started talking to be honest I never knew how to talk to boys at all but once I started talking to him I felt like I was normal. I was about to leave when he asked me for my number and I wrote on his hand then few minutes later after doing some bowling we all went to the arcade and that's when I met Ralph and Jason's older brother, we all introduced to each other and played a few games together well except for Baz for some reason and said he's gonna wait in the car and we continue to have fun and I beat Jason on every game we played and it was so much fun hanging out with him and Ralph decided to take some picture of us so that we can remember this moment forever and oh my god we were embarrassed but it was funny at the same time especially when I was with Jason McCann, there was something about him that made me feel like I belong and who knows what will happen but I hope I'll hangout with him and see him again soon. Sincerely, Julia "
Jase: looks like your mom was pretty happy once she met your dad huh
Mallory: I-I guess so that's what it's says
Jase: wait there's some pictures attached to it
Mallory: where
Jase: behind the page
Mallory: * turns the page and see's the pictures *

 Sincerely, Julia "Jase: looks like your mom was pretty happy once she met your dad huhMallory: I-I guess so that's what it's saysJase: wait there's some pictures attached to itMallory: where Jase: behind the pageMallory: * turns the page and see'...

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Jase: is that them
Mallory: mom and dad
Jase: you look like your mom, babe
Mallory: that's what Uncle Ralph said
Jase: * wraps his arm around her shoulder *
Mallory: March 1, 2007...I guess that's the day when they first met
Jase: looks like it
Mallory: * gets tears in her eyes * if they were here right now, they would know what to do because I don't know what to do
Jase: don't worry we'll get through this
Andrew: * knocks on the door *
Mallory: oh shit
Jase: quick put the book and the box away
Mallory: * quickly pulls the book and box under the bed * uhhhh come in
Andrew: * walks in * hey guys I just wanna let you know that it's time for us to go
Jase & Mallory: * looks at each other *
Jase: are you ready
Mallory: y-yeah

That was chapter four of Nothing I Wouldn't Do
I hope you enjoyed it
See you in the next chapter

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