Chapter three

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Nothing I Wouldn't Do - Part 3

The next morning

Jase, Mallory, Andrew & Baz: * sitting in their chairs at the kitchen table *
Smurf: * cooking breakfast *
Andrew: so Mallory how old are you now cause the last time I saw were like 3
Mallory: I'm 17
Baz: ah so that makes your boyfriend here 17 as well right Jase
Jase: uhh yeah
Andrew: what do you guys do for a living
Mallory: why do you want to know
Baz: because we want to get to know you
Jase: * scoffs * yeah right after what me and Mallory just experienced last night all of the sudden you guys acted like nothing has happened and acting as a normal people
Smurf: yes that's what do we do in this family
Mallory: * laughs sarcastically *
Smurf: is there something funny, Mallory
Mallory: yeah there're exactly what my dad told me about you guys
Baz: is that so
Mallory: yes and he told me that this is how you guys do after doing some bullshit that you people are assigned to do something that is highly illegal and that would lead you to jail for a really long time
Jase: and it would lead to a death sentence if you guys keep doing this shit whatever you people do
Andrew: where did you guys even learned that
Mallory: at school in law class
Jase: and Stokes taught us some lessons
Smurf: that guy is still alive
Mallory: yeah why, got a problem with him
Smurf: yes I do but for now less talking and more eating because breakfast is ready
Mallory: I'm not eating your shit * walks out of the kitchen *
Jase: yeah me either * follows Mallory *
Baz: so much for getting to know them
Andrew: shut up Baz
Smurf: * mumbles * just like her mother

you're exactly what my dad told me about you guys Baz: is that soMallory: yes and he told me that this is how you guys do after doing some bullshit that you people are assigned to do something that is highly illegal and that would lead you to jail...

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Mallory: * staring at the river *
Jase: * walks towards her *hey
Mallory: * turns around *
Jase: you okay
Mallory: I'm alright
Jase: are you sure about that
Mallory: * shakes her head *
Jase: what's wrong
Mallory: everything Jase, it's all confusing right now that I can't stop thinking about
Jase: like what
Mallory: what do they want from me, I know they want to get to know me because their my mom's family but deep down I know they're planning something...I mean think about it Jase, they have been looking for me for 14 years and Stokes taught me that people may say that they want to get to know you after years of finding you but then you'll realize that they'll be planning something that will be 10 times worse and could change peoples lives
Jase: yeah they are getting a little suspicious and I can't put a finger on it
Mallory: I just don't know what to believe
Jase: me either
Mallory: will we ever get out of here, Justin
Jase: what do you mean of course we will
Mallory: * voice quivering * but what if they keep us here forever and the life that we had over there will be gone
Jase: Mallory look at me
Mallory: * looks at him *
Jase: * puts his hands on her cheek * we're gonna get through this together Mallory Rose McCann remember when we first got together I promised you that no matter what happens in the future, we'll find a way to break free
Mallory: * nods * yeah I remember
Jase: and I mean it Mallory, I'm not breaking the promise I made 4 years ago
Mallory: can you promise me something else
Jase: anything
Mallory: if anything bad happens to me—
Jase: nothing is gonna happen to you
Mallory: just me promise that if something bad happens to me Jase...remember what we always say to each other and move on with your life
Jase: I-I don't know, Mallory
Mallory: promise me
Jase: okay I promise
Mallory: * kisses him *
Jase: * kisses back *
Andrew & Baz: * hiding behind a tree *
Andrew: * whispers softly * they remind us of them don't they
Baz: * nods * yeah they do
Mallory: who's ever behind that tree can go now
Andrew & Baz: * comes out *
Andrew: how did you know we were here
Jase: Mallory can sense if there are some people hiding or eavesdropping which you two were just doing right now
Baz: * scoffs * what no we weren't
Jase & Mallory: * crosses their arms near their chests *
Andrew: okay maybe a little
Mallory: that's what I thought
Jase: anyway what are you two idiots are doing out here
Baz: oh yeah Smurf wants you guys to come back inside right now
Mallory: and why should we
Andrew: because we have a job to do and you're coming with us
Jase & Mallory: * looks at each other *

That was chapter three of Nothing I Wouldn't Do
I hope you enjoyed it
See you in the next chapter

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