Part 1 - The Beginning of Feelings

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Author's POV:

Pond had always known Dunk. They had been friends since childhood, their bond growing stronger with each passing year. Pond was quiet and introverted, while Dunk was outgoing and vivacious. Despite their differences, they balanced each other perfectly.

Pond admired Dunk's ability to light up any room he entered, his infectious laughter, and his compassionate nature.

It was during their sophomore year of college that Pond's feelings for Dunk began to change. One evening, as they studied together in the library, Pond found himself watching Dunk more intently than usual.

The way Dunk's brow furrowed in concentration, the absent-minded way he chewed on his pen-everything seemed to draw Pond in.

At first, Pond tried to ignore these feelings, convincing himself it was just a phase. But as weeks turned into months, he couldn't deny the truth any longer: he had fallen for Dunk.

Their friendship had always been straightforward and uncomplicated. They had their own rituals, like meeting up for coffee every Friday morning at the little café near campus or taking weekend trips to the beach. These moments became more precious to Pond as his feelings grew.

He started noticing the little things about Dunk that made him special: the way his eyes sparkled when he talked about something he was passionate about, the way he always put others first, and his unyielding positivity even on the toughest days.

One crisp autumn afternoon, they sat under a large oak tree on campus, books spread out around them. Dunk was explaining something about their latest history assignment, but Pond's mind wandered.

He watched the way Dunk's lips moved, the way his hands animated his words, and he felt a surge of warmth in his chest. It scared him how much he wanted to reach out and touch Dunk's hand to see if it felt as warm and comforting as it looked.

"Pond, are you even listening?" Dunk's voice broke through his thoughts.

Pond blinked, shaking his head to clear his mind. "Uh, yeah, sorry. Just got lost in thought for a second."

Dunk laughed, a sound that sent shivers down Pond's spine. "Daydreaming again? You know, sometimes I wonder where you go when you drift off like that."

If only you knew, Pond thought, forcing a smile. "Just thinking about the assignment," he lied.

Despite his internal conflict, Pond cherished every moment he spent with Dunk. But the more time they spent together, the harder it became for Pond to hide his feelings. Dunk was so open and affectionate, often slinging an arm around Pond's shoulders or ruffling his hair, gestures that were purely friendly to Dunk but sent Pond's heart racing.

One night, as they walked back to their dorms after a late study session, Dunk began talking about the future. "Can you imagine what we'll be doing in ten years, Pond? Where we'll be, what kind of lives we'll have?"

Pond shoved his hands into his pockets, feeling the cool breeze of the evening air. "I haven't really thought about it much," he lied again. In truth, Pond often imagined a future where he and Dunk were more than friends, but he pushed those thoughts away, knowing they were just fantasies.

Dunk nudged him playfully. "Come on, you must have some idea. I bet you'll be a famous writer or something, living in a big city, traveling the world."

Pond chuckled, the sound tinged with sadness. "Maybe. And what about you? What do you see yourself doing?"

Dunk's eyes lit up with excitement. "I want to help people, maybe become a doctor or a social worker. I just want to make a difference, you know?"

Pond nodded, admiration swelling in his chest. "You'll be great at whatever you do, Dunk. I know it."

As they reached their dorm, Dunk turned to Pond with a grin. "Thanks, Pond. You're always so supportive. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Pond's heart ached at the sincerity in Dunk's voice. "I'm just glad to be your friend," he said softly.

That night, as Pond lay in bed, he stared at the ceiling, lost in thought. He knew his feelings for Dunk were growing stronger every day, and he didn't know how much longer he could keep them a secret. But for now, he cherished the friendship they had, even if it meant hiding his true feelings.

Little did Pond know that this was only the beginning of a journey that would test the limits of his heart and his ability to love without expectation.

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