Chapter 34: We Fight or We Die

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AN: What happened? Who woke me up? Where is the damn writer when you need her? What's that? You say they're going to war? But they can't go to war this soon, it's meant to happen in the third installment of this series! I've said too much, I do seem to have a bad habit of doing that, don't I? The time capsule is supposed to keep all the objects safe! Last I checked it was in the village of say the village has been taken over by an evil witch? What about Atlantis? That's gone too? France has to be still standing, give me that. No? Last resort. The Sinclair castle. Bloody hell. This is quite disturbing news indeed. It seems we have no choice. The reported missing. The war must be fought. To save the forests...and ave the future. 

-Araxie Sparrow


The forcefield ripped with ice magic, the palace standing tall and imposing on the other side of the hill. The siblings shared a look of acknowledgement, do we really want to do this? Do we really want to fight your mother? Yes, the answer was common among them. The only one to slightly disagree was Oliver, put off by how regal and powerful she was, how composed and in control of her powers. Angelica watched with wide eyes as the forcefield became a ring of blue fire, her mother controlling the way the flames moved with her hand. And then she asked the question that would change everything. 

"Where is the box?" she growled, her eyes turning silver in her rage. "What have you done with it? I do not sense its magic in this general area?" 

"No," Angelica smirked. "You're right, because it's not here. Not on this hillside, anyway. I've done a lot of things since I became familiar with the magical world, but do you know the one lesson I've learned? Never trust a Trickster." 

The dark elves on on Ibis' side looked to her for a signal, their hands warming up with flames of their own color magic, their wings extending to the beautiful, deadly and full length, as if spears were sticking out of their shoulders. A look of horror crossed Ibis' face as she realized what had happened to her precious box, the one tool for her getting out of this alivve. With a yell, she charged for Angelica, but she was ready. 

Angelica ignored Excalibur on her belt and reached behind her, pulling out two spears crossed behind her back, invisible by a forcefield that Levi had created. 'They'd come in handy,' he'd said. He was right. Angelica brought the spears down in an 'x' crossing them over one another and trapping Ibis' sword in the middle, the horrible screeching of metal making her cringe. The siblings took one look at each other, then charged at Morgan at the same time. Oliver brought down his sword, Narcissa her knife, and Layla her trident. They all clashed togeher, all of them falling over as a look of dread crossed their faces. Morgan had vanished, his lingering grin floating away with the rest of his body in blue fire. 

"Damn it!" Oliver screamed, turning o the ice castle. "Come out and face us, you bloody coward!" 

"That's not going to work," James said. "We need to drive his forces into the forest so one of us can get a clear shot in. It has to be Angelica, this is her destiny." 

As he spoke, a low rumbling came from the mountainside, ice and rock slipping and sliding down the hill, it collapsed in a heap at the very bottom, knocking into the forcefield, which never subsided. 

"That's one very powerful forcefield," Narcissa said. 

"How do we destroy it?" Layla asked. 

"Leave that to me," James said, sneaking around them in the midst of battle. 

The siblings watched curiously as he darted in and out of the rebels and knights of Scotland, jumping over horses and tree stumps with surprising agility until he reached the dragon, which was sitting in front of the Scottish forces, its fiery breath incinerating anyone that chose to cross a certain line. Already skeletons of dwarves and elves lay at the dragon's enormous clawed feet, their bones turned to shreds by the hungry beast. James gulped before he took off at a run and jumped on top of King Arthur's horse, the king letting out an angry exclamation. 

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