Chapter 35: Tree Rings and Memory

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AN: Yes, I have known all along. Of course I have, I'm the author. The writer has also been in on the death of Ibis Sparrow, which I'm afraid is unchangeable. We have approached the end of the line, where it is time to depart the library of secrets and say au revoir to characters you have come to know. There is, however, a chance you might see them again...if you find yourself in these hallowed halls once more. The library holds many secrets. You only know one book of thousands. Endings are always sad, aren't they? I never liked them. Perhaps you'll find this one more suitable to your liking. There are four siblings, are there not? Four siblings, four stories, four worlds. Everything is connected. Now, if you'll excuse me, just like Ibis Sparrow, I shall see you on the other side- and return to this delightful cup of tea.


Chapter 35: Tree Rings and Memory

Angelica could only watch the snowfall as it covered the remains of the battle, the bodies frozen into the cold ice until they too melted away with time. It was beautiful, horrible, sad, all at the same time. The ibis cried as it disappeared into the sun and the ravine sealed itself up, the ground was trembling with the four siblings magic as they mended the damage they had caused. The rocks that had collapsed from the cliffs magically lifted up into the sky and clicked and churned until they snapped into place. Anelica's hands glowed with blue magic. Oliver's green, Layla's with purple and Narcissa's black.

The troops took off their battle helmets, holding them to theri chests in solidarity to honor those lost as nature once again took its course. The rushing stream was freed from hundreds of trees that had fallen on the waters, the water crashing onto the lake and melting the ice with a thousand years creak of relief. 

James watched proudly as the siblings united to restore nature, a way that Morgan never could do. He put a hand on Jillian's shoulder and comforted the the trembling young girl, swiping his thumb across the cold skin of her hand and healing the cuts and burns that he presumed Morgan had given her. He watched as incredible sights happened all around him. King Arthur was shaking hands with Ogden as his hand was crushed, the rebels were bowing to Arthur in turn before paying their respects to the dead with songs of the past. 

James was assured that he wasn't needed by Nightwing as the women tended to Jillian, and he had nowhere to go. So he wandered aimlessly over to Ibis Sparrow's body, kneeling beside it as silent tears rolled down his cheeks. He ran his hand over her in mid air, healing the cuts and giving her the last honor he could. A hand was suddenly placed on his shoulder and he looked up to see Angelica above him.

"This isn't for you to see, darling," he said. "You should leave." 

"Did you love her?" Angelica simply asked. 

"Yes," he replied after a long pause. "Very much. She was there for me when no one else was, when every other human on earth had abandoned me and turned me away. She was the only one to take me in and listen to what I had to say. Since I've been gone from her life, I'm afraid the fairytale I gave her rather faded from the forest, as it were." 

"Then she should rest in the place she loves, don't you agree?" Angelica smiled sadylu. "We'll take her back to Shadowstream. I assume that's where we're going next. And then...then we are free to go anywhere. I have a map on my ceiling. I've pinned it with all the places I want to sail to." 

"Sail?" James laughed. "What gave you that idea I don't have a pirate ship stored away, my darling." 

"We can build one," Angelica smiled. "Out of forest wood, how about it? Not only would we clear some of the forests and hold onto the promise of the time capsule, we would save the creatures who live here a great deal of trouble. Especially if we cut down the fairy hive. It truly is an evil place. Where is the time capsule anyway? I rather lost track of it in the midst of the battle." 

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