i. train

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act onechapter one

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act one
chapter one

LYRA STEPS ONTO THE train with her bag in one hand and her cat's cage in the other. She looks over her shoulder to check if Luna is still behind her to see her little sister reading The Quibbler, the magazine their father is the chief editor in. The doors shut behind them and the whistle blows signaling the beginning of departure.

"Lunes, put the magazine down or you'll bump into someone." Lyra tells her, not waiting to see if she listens and guiding Luna down the corridor of the moving train. "Will you be alright from here? Are you sure you don't just want to sit with us?"

"I'm sure." The airy and gentle voice of Luna says. Lyra comes to a stop and turns around to look at her with a tiny frown on her lips. "I'll be fine, Ly" Luna smiles knowingly.

"You better be." She raises an eyebrow. "You'll have Ginny, right?'


"And you know where to find me if anyone messes with you?"

"Yes." Luna sighs.

"Okay, okay. Being a bit protective, got it." She chuckles.

"More than a bit." Luna smiles. "I have Ginny now, so I'll be fine, I'll see you at the feast." She waves before going in the opposite direction up the train, her sandy blonde hair bouncing as she skips.

Lyra waits until she sees Luna enter a compartment before walking to the one at the very end of the train. The reason she is being over-protective over her sister is because it's not news that the younger Lovegood gets picked on at school, something the oldest does her part in trying to prevent by hexing the culprits. Ever since coming to Hogwarts, Luna has had one or two nasty things said or done to her so of course Lyra worries. Fortunately, Luna met Ginny Weasley so things have been better with the fierce ginger by Luna's side but as her older sister, how can Lyra not fuss?

Her boots patter against the floor as she passes one compartment after the other. Finally, she arrives at hers and a smile forms at the sight of Wren Quinn and Neville Longbottom; her best friends.

Their conversation ends at the sight of Lyra entering and smiles identical to the blonde's appear.

"Lyra!" Wren squeals and the three pull each other into a group hug that poor Neville had to awkwardly crouch down to be a part of. Before, he was at the girls' level, but he had growth spurt since last year.

"I missed you guys so much." Lyra says.

The trio hadn't been able to spend the summer together because Wren's family went to the States and Neville's grandmother didn't want him leaving the house at all. Lyra had her books and family as company with a visit to Hogsmeade with Hermione being the only socializing she did for months.

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