Marceline and Marshall is this love?

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Marceline POV

I have been walking around this stupid forest for hours and now I'm getting hungry and found no food. And how did I even get here?. First I'm hanging out with Finn and jake and PB. Next I walk in to this portal PB made now I'm in the middle of the forest.

Now I see a girl wearing all blue running up. Who are u?. Oh I'm Fiona you must be the one who got stuck in aaa. Yeah I answer back. Well I'm Marceline nice to meet you Fiona. Nice to meet you to Marceline. Well I'll show to the castle. Cool. (Marcelines mind) Fiona looks a lot like my friend Finn weird (back). Well here we are lets look for PG she blushed like crazy when she said his name. Ok. Then we walked in to this big room that looked like a lab. There's this pink guy

Who looked a lot like PB. And he was talking to this cute guy who was wearing a red plaid shirt and blue jeans and red shoes and black hair. Man he's cute.

Marshall POV

Wow there was this really hot,pretty,cute, girl. She had long shine hair that was beautiful and black as the night. And big shiny red eyes. Then I found myself staring at her. Then I started feeling weird what is happening to me?.

Fiona POV

I saw Marshall staring at Marceline but with not anger or pain but with love. Then I started to feel weird like I don't even know?.

Marceline POV

I saw him looking at me with his big red eyes. I started to feel really weird. Like I felt when I first saw ash. Was I falling in love?.

Then Fiona pulled me to see the pink dude. Well I think I found her she said. Oh ok he said. Then the pink dude comes up to me and says his name is prince gum ball then puts his hand out the I said I was marceline then we shock hands.

Prince gumball POV

I shock hands with marceline. But I have to say she was beautiful and her perfect skin, long hair ect. Then I turn and I see Marshall drooling. Oh looks like some one is in love I joked. Shut up. No I'm not! He yells. Sure Marshall I have never seen you like this before with gogo eyes and heart pounding out if your chest. You like like marceline don't you?. Wait her name is marceline it fits her so perfectly he said in a lovestruck way. Dude your so in love with her.but anyways I'm going to open the portal so the others can come ok marceline I said. Ok cool she said back. Ok.

Marshall's POV

Man I think PG is right I think I'm in love with a girl I haven't even talked to before but her name is so pretty and fits her and her cloths fit her just right and her eyes big and red and her lips are so perfect and her perfect skin. I have never felt this way before. Or this crazy about anyone.(just saying PG is a nick name for princegumball if u didn't know).

Marceline and Marshall is this love?Where stories live. Discover now