5/"It's On Drugs"

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"I'm Mickey Mouse, ha ha!" He says, which completely throws me off guard. "What's your name, little child?" He asks to Tris.

"I'm Tris Carter, and that's Zoe, and that's my sister, Tanya. Those are my parents." Says Tris without any hesitation at all.

I'm surprised by only two things. This man, this mystery man under this Mickey costume has an amazing, and convincing Mickey impression. The other thing, is why the hell did Tris just expose everyone's names!?

"Do you want to see your hotel room?" Mickey asks. 

"Yes! I'm tired of waiting here!" Yells Dad.

"Well alllllllright, let's go!" Mickey begins walking down the sidewalk, and we all dragged our luggages, making our arms extremely tired while following him.

Part of me expected to see our hotel rise from the ground magically, but there was nothing magical here. Just boring sand, boring sweat, and 80 degrees of Florida warmth.

Hotel Doshafelo was a short walk, but it sure felt like a long time. Zoe begins asking all sorts of questions about pools, merch, and food. Tris, being an idiot starts asking, "So, do you ever get warm inside of that Mickey costume?" 

"Oh, you silly little girl!" Mickey says as he turns back to face her, "I am real! The drugs that I take stop me from getting too stiff and dry. You ought try some Marijuana  someday-"

"Woah, woah, woah, did you say Marijuana?" Asks Dad abruptly. 

"Why, yes! Ha ha!"

"But aren't there children here?" Mom cuts in.

Zoe interrupts, and thank goodness she does, because I didn't want to hear this nonsense talking any longer. "We almost reached our hotel!" She squeals. "Hey, Tris! You wanna race? The last one is a rotten mouse!" 

"Oh, children." Mickey laughs, "Don't you just love them?" 

"Not really." Says Dad in the most unenthusiastic way.

The hotel wasn't quite like the Disney hotels I've seen on the internet. This was a full hotel, with halls, walls, and ceilings. The inside was nice, I soppose. A little bit plain, but tolerable. 

Mickey gives Dad the key. "Don't loose that! We'll have to feed you to the alligators!"

"Oh, ha ha." Dad says sarcastically.

"Anyway my friends, you have a surprise waiting for you in this room!" Mickey then decides to leave us hanging.

What the f*ck is the surprise waiting in the room? How dare he tell me that, but not tell me even what the surprise is! Oh my God, I'm scared now. I swear if there's another family in there, I will just have to go home.

Dad unlocks the door to suddenly hear a some squeaky voice yell out, "Oh my goodness, I get to see my grandbabies again!"

Oh my God. 

It's Grandma!

Grandma, the Mother of my Mother, who lives here in Orlando Florida was standing in the center of the room in her cardigan, unpacking her vintage luggage on the bed. She was definitely preparing to greet us, like she knew we were coming.

"Mom?!" Yells Mom.

"What are you doing here?!" Dad yells accusingly.

Grandma hussles over to us, "Oh my loves, we got tickets sent to us in an envelope, just like yous!"

"Wait, what do you mean we?" Questions Dad.

Grandma smiles and peers over her shoulder. There was a door in the back of the hotel room. It was a sliding glass door, leading to a small balcony or something. The door opens, and out comes Grandpa! He looks calm and peaceful for sure, and following him was....

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