9/"We meet again, don't we?"

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Part of me wanted to gaslight myself into believing that it was a hallucination, but that scream sounded too real, and too horrible.

I look at the coaster, laying on it's side, and Tris was staring at it too. We didn't do any talking. I didn't want too, because both of our throats hurt too much from screaming. I didn't have the flashlight anymore, that thing is probably destroyed, so I pull my phone out of my pocket and shine it in the direction that we both cane from. Tris, keeping the camera rolling, starting running in that direction.

"Tris!" I hissed after her. My foot was hurting, so it wasn't very easy to be as quick as her. She stopped emidiately and looked down at the grass. "Tanya!" She yells.

"Hold on, I'm coming!"

I was too scared to look, so I stayed at a distance. Tris was looking down at someone's body with the camera. "It's Zoe." She whispers. "That's Zoe's body."

Something made me scream, "TURN IT OFF!" Tris looks back to me and I hear her click the camera off. I couldn't resist, so I ran up to Zoe's demolished body. She was laying on her back, her head nearly ripped off, her arms were looking barely even human, she was gushing blood everywhere, especially from her ripped open stomach.

"YOU STUPID B*TCH!" I screamed at Zoe's body, "You could've moved out of the way, but what did you do?! You got yourself murdered! Damn it!"

Tris stood there hopelessly as ever while she watched me freak out. "Tris, keep that camera with you. We have to.... we have to leave."


"Why do you think?!"

After a pause, Tris says nervously, "Our family is going to freak out-"

"No, God damn it! I'm not talking about our family!"

"Well, Zoe's family is going to freak-"

"Oh, I doubt that! You know that her Mother didn't even notice that she left with us anyway, is she going to care if-"

If she died. That is what I was going to say. But I didn't. I don't want to look at her dead body, and think about how dead she is. She was young, and my only real friend in high school. What about her future? What about her family, anyway?

I was so scared, and it's impossible to make a decision on the spot. I just don't want to be blamed for this. "Okay, you you what?" I tell my sister, "It's still night, and our family is asleep. You stay here. Don't let anything happen to the camera, while I grab an emergency poncho from the room-"


"We'll rap her up, and toss her into the..... I guess we'll toss her into the lake."


"Let the alligators eat her, I guess. They're fast. They'll hide the evidence."

"I guess."

Then I have to tell my sister the tragic truth, and the consequences that she must face alone. "While I get the emergency poncho, I will grab my suitcase and leave."


"I f*cking hate this hell island that we're stuck in! You could go back to the hotel when I tell you too, but please don't blame me. Please."

"Well, what do you want me to do?! I could say, Oh, my sister is running from her problems because someone died!"

"I SAID, YOU CAN'T BLAME ME!" I yell at her, "Okay, just do what I tell you, and we'll be fine."

She wasn't very happy about that, but I know we would be soon enough. I turn to run back to the hotel before the sun rises, but I get stopped when I spotted a man holding a flashlight. "Not so fast!" He hisses.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 hours ago ⏰

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